The Curse of Oak ISland

5 JAW-DROPPING THEORIES | The Curse of Oak Island’s Astonishing Secrets

5 JAW-DROPPING THEORIES | The Curse of Oak Island's Astonishing Secrets

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This whole place is all about rumor, conjecture, supposition, hope, and belief. We have a plethora of wild theories out here. Before we try to find out what treasure is here, we have to figure out who did the work in Oak Island. I believe that this was the work of the Aztec Empire. I believe around 800 AD that a Dean ship came ashore, and they discovered blue clay in the sediment. To the Mesoamericans, that was worth more than gold.

The significance of the South Shore shaft was that it was the first shaft put down to establish a mine here. The Aztecs found the blue clay that they wanted. They knew they could mine it. They probably put a shaft in about eight feet around, and they would have hit blue clay at 50 feet. Simple, basic mining – always 300 feet was the extent of their ventilation. There would have to be a ventilation shaft that’s probably hidden. That’s why I figured there was another shaft up there. And all of a sudden, I looked and I went, “The Money Pit shaft.”

When the Aztecs came to hide the treasures, they knew there was an old mine here. They remodeled it and made it into a trap. In fact, they made the whole mine into a trap. This is the stone at the absolute bottom of Nolan’s Cross. I believe that the Aztec treasure is not here, it’s just a couple of hundred yards over there. What if he’s right? My goodness, what if he’s right?

The unfortunate thing is that the “X” is on Mr. Nolan’s property. As of right now, we cannot proceed with John’s. It’s time to connect the dots. When I read the account of how McGinnis and his friends first started to dig at The Money Pit, the first thing they came across, a couple of feet under the turf, was a platform of flat stones. It’s got to do with a particular part of Freemasonry, which is called the Royal Arch of Enoch.

Time rolls by, and along come the children of Israel, and King Solomon builds the temple. They find the entrance to the Enochian chamber. Some Masonic legends say that the Ark of the Covenant ultimately found its way into the temple. The Money Pit was a deliberately constructed copy of Solomon’s Temple and the chambers of Enoch. X marks the spot. What you’re looking for is another shaft with another chamber. The other end of the tunnel is at a fixed compass point from the origin, which makes me think it’s more likely it would be due west. Am I to understand, looking at this, that we’re back in that bloody swamp? Yes. So, how sure are you of this? Me? Yeah, absolutely sure. I don’t care how difficult it is. I really don’t. I mean, I’ll go in there by myself. And that, Rick Lagina, is why you are going to find this treasure. We are going to find this treasure.

The Rosal family has connections to the Duc d’Anville and the possible construction or visit to The Money Pit. Louis-Alexandre Ricolfi was the son of the Duke d’Anville and is a very interesting character because of his associations with Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. There is some degree of probability that Louis-Alexandre Ricolfi, in his friendship with Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, may have actually told them of Oak Island or whatever secret was there. They could have had part of the treasure from Oak Island as a way to finance the war and help establish the new country.

Holy smokes! If there really is a connection to the American Revolution, it is indeed a national treasure for the U.S. because it rewrites history. It is a national treasure for Nova Scotia because the mystery is here.

Gentlemen, hi. How are you? Hi Doug. A couple of months ago, I got introduced to this lady in New York who’s been pursuing some Templar research for the last seven or eight years. The lady’s name is Zena Helper. Perhaps what we should do is introduce you to Zena herself. Maybe we can get her in on a conference call. I called. Years. Hello? Hi, Zena, it’s Doug. Hi, so I’m with the folks on Oak Island. Okay. I just gave everyone here a little overview of what your research involves, and that you have some pretty interesting documents. Okay, we have the map that shows Nova Scotia. We have a map of Oak Island, and then we have the cipher.

There was a mention in the document, dated 1178 to 1180, that the Templar voyage to the northeastern part of America took place and that the Templars had made landfall on an island of Oak. When I found the map, which is dated 1347, I began to put pieces together. One of her research assistants knew of the work I was doing, pursuing the history of the 90-foot stone, and they thought I should see the cipher. I was immediately intrigued because this appears to be using the very same symbols that the cipher for the 90-foot stone used.

The maps and the LA formula cipher were hidden in the back pocket of a book, which was given to me several years ago. I’ve been trying to decipher it. Okay, the words I’ve pulled out of it so far are “gray wear,” which is a term for pottery, “gold sephila,” the site of the first Portuguese fort and factory on the east coast of Africa in 1505, and “Joab,” a general in King David’s army who spent a lot of time in northern Africa.

If I can interject here. Sure. It’s all connected to gold in Africa, right? In one of the stories I was reading, it was mentioned that Joab was pushing the Philistines back, and he made it safe for the transport of the Ark. Does this suggest that there’s an organization out there that was using these symbols to encode messages, that were doing something in Africa and somehow also were here on Oak Island?

This Oak Island map that you’re showing us, it seems to indicate that someone came here in 1347? Yes. In the 1347 map, this is an extremely interesting map. There’s one section over to the left that shows Oak Island, with French words identifying places. This map is one hell of a mystery. The hand-drawn map is clearly Oak Island. Several things are named in French, which have been translated for us.

One is called the Basin, translated from French, which clearly correlates to the swamp on the NL side of the island. Also delineated is something called the Marsh, and that would be the swamp proper. And then there is a reference to what’s called the Dam, and it points to where Fred Nolan articulated to us last year that there was a log wall. Then there’s something on the map called the Oak – enter here – which points right about to where the money pit is. Then we have two or three things that we don’t know anything about. One’s called the Anchors, one’s called the Valve, and one’s called the Hatch.

You know, I’m not sure that Zena’s research is going to lead to answers. She has a theory which, uniquely, is backed up by documentation. And I surely would regret not following up on this research.

Guys, I’m very pleased to have Travis Taylor with us today. So you’ve done some investigative work, and you have some stuff to show us, I understand? Yes, I do. So to start with, I’ll show you the analysis. If you look at this chart, there is a lot of uranium that’s found very close to the island. Now, the key to that is, when uranium decays, you get a bunch of products from it, and radon is specifically the one. Well, the idea is, if you have a void underneath the surface, over time, the uranium is going to cause this to fill with radon gas, especially if there’s no ventilation in it. And this would occur in a fluid-filled cavity. Oh, absolutely. Actually, radon is soluble in most materials.

I always love when somebody thinks of something that had just never occurred to me. That’s the best kind of information there is. And so, Travis Taylor came in with a whole new perspective on maybe how to find cavities through radon testing. I don’t know if we’re going to have time for that this year or not, but I’d like to pursue that.

As I started doing this, I started reading more about Oak Island and looking at what it’s all about. I came up with sort of my own theory as to what may have happened here. Almost everybody that’s been involved in investigating it are Freemasons. So, I started looking into the Freemasons. One of the first things that jumped out at me was Hiram Abiff’s Freemason drawing template.

There are actually meanings on this map that are based on astronomy. You see at the top, the hand of God is holding a chalice, or the Holy Grail, or the Cup of Life. But what the Freemasons use that as a symbol of is “As Above, So Below.” The way they would draw maps is by “As Above, So Below.” The stars would be their guide on how they created the map if they were going to make one. The star on the upper right is actually – if you count, there are seven stars there – it looks like the Pleiades, which is part of Taurus. I got to thinking, is there something that archaeoastronomy might have to do with the island?

So I overlaid the constellation on the island. This is a star map. We might be led to the point on Oak Island where the actual treasure is. So let’s do this. Travis, Gary, if you’re available, Jack, let’s take Travis and we’ll show him on the island. So let’s go have a look. Oh, that sounds


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