The Curse of Oak ISland

6000 Year Old Documents Found At Oak Island Revealed Something TERRIFYING!!

6000 Year Old Documents Found At Oak Island Revealed Something TERRIFYING!!

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I guarantee you it’s not going to stop.
Devin Jason, it’s not going to stop;
she wouldn’t allow it to stop,
and we won’t either.

From inheriting crucial documents
from a dearly departed friend
to the discovery of several artifacts
that could reveal some of the secrets
of this treasure hunting spot that is Oak Island.

Here’s how the Curse of Oak Island crew
was affected by the 2,000-year-old documents
found at Oak Island.

For many years now, the fans of
The Curse of Oak Island
have watched as the Lagina brothers
and their hardworking crew
have attempted to take on
the overwhelming challenge
of finding the treasure
that has eluded so many treasure hunters
for so many years
on the mysterious spot
just off the south coast of Nova Scotia
that is Oak Island.

For more than 200 years,
all these people have to show
for their work on the island
is a stone slab that was covered
with several mysterious markings,
mysterious fragments of human bones,
and a lead cross
whose origin may actually be traced back
to medieval times,
as it was said to have probably belonged
to a member of the Knights Templar.

As if it isn’t bad enough
that so many men had risked it all
to make it to the mysterious island,
the amount of material that Zena has wrought—
the width and breadth of the lady’s accomplishments
and research—
was stunning.

That is the word: stunning.
It may be even worse for those
who had lost their lives
to this treasure hunting endeavor.
It gets even stranger
when you hear that the death
of these six unfortunate men
may have something to do
with a curse that was placed
on the hidden treasure of Oak Island.

Apparently, the curse demands
that seven people have to die
as they search for the hidden treasure
before it can ever be found.
I think we all have
just a very rudimentary understanding
of the work as it relates to…

Be that as it may,
the Lagina brothers and their dedicated team
have stopped at nothing
to get their hands on this elusive treasure.
Perhaps that is why today
they seem to be drawing closer
to this elusive treasure
now more than ever.

With the likes of Craig Tester,
they hope to get as deep
into the ground as possible.
This is after an underground survey
of the island was carried out,
resulting in the discovery of underground voids
that could possibly be the hiding place
of this treasure
that has evaded many
for more than 200 years.

So one of the things that was found
is an actual copy of the Corona document—
it’s a deposition by this English Templar knight.
This is because such voids
may be connected to the original Money Shaft
that is universally known as The Money Pit.

So far, the team could record some progress,
thanks to the discovery of the remains
of a possible tunnel
that lay deep within the ground
at a depth of 93 feet,
as well as evidence of human activity
that was traced to about 173 feet into the ground.

This looks like the Laginas
have a lot of excavation work ahead of them
if they are going to get to the bottom
of their deep leads;
that may be the only way
they could get to the treasure
that was rumored to be hidden
deep within the bowels of this mysterious island.

Understandably, this has led
to the digging of a new borehole
by the team, looking to see
what they could find
within these tunnels
located so deep into the ground.

Before long, they found evidence of tunnels
that were more than 100 feet into the ground.
The Money Pit collapsed in 1861,
and a whole bunch of wood sort of went missing.
So one plausible theory is
we’re seeing that collapse;
we’re in the collapse zone.
Who were the guys digging these tunnels
to begin with? That’s what we’d love to know.

While we may not be able to know for now,
at least we can focus on an object
that was discovered in the same area last year.
This was the so-called Chapel Vault,
discovered at a depth of 170 feet.

Apparently, the vault was first discovered
by William Chapelle and Frederick Blair,
a pair of treasure hunters
who took on the Oak Island treasure hunting challenge
about a century or more ago—in 1897.
Once they came to this discovery,
they also came to the conclusion
the Knights Templar were a band of warrior monks
formed shortly after the Christians
had retaken Jerusalem in 1099,
and pilgrims were coming from all over Europe
to Jerusalem on a long, arduous journey.

When they arrived in the Holy Land,
many of them were actually kind of attacked
in the desert going towards Jerusalem…
that it must be about 7 feet tall.
Eager to learn more about the structure,
they decided to drill into the vault,
and as a result, they were able to extract evidence of gold
thanks to their drill bit.

As exciting as this was,
the treasure hunting pair would soon leave in despair.
This was due to the fact that when they tried
to extract the box from the soil—
I don’t know if this is 100% accurate,
but I do believe with 100% certainty
that it’s worth some commitment of ours…
they found that the time
they had spent digging
began to flood with a ton of water.

Unbeknownst to them,
this was one of the many booby traps
that had prevented many
who had come to the island
from extracting any treasure from the soil.
After coming across the so-called Chapel Vault,
they found that they had made things worse
for themselves when their drill seemed
to have pushed this 7-foot vault even deeper into the ground.

Despite such a setback,
Rick has declared the sentiment of others
that they had to see
if they could peek into this massive vault.
What on Earth is up with this tunnel from the Ball Foundation?
It’s pretty extensive,
if it is very intricate workings
to hide a very significant treasure.
That could be it—it just may be
where the treasure of Oak Island may be hiding.

Consequently, the team goes to work,
drilling at the site of the original Money Pit.
As this was going on,
Craig Tester, along with other members
of the Oak Island team,
decided to convene for a meeting
at the War Room.
There, Rick was able to tell the team
about his stunning trip to New York.

Why was it so stunning, you may ask?
Well, about a week ago,
Rick was shocked to hear
that Zena Halpen, a well-respected scholar
of history and seafaring affairs of the past,
had passed away.
Despite such a sad event,
I’m feeling sort of a childish excitement
to see what we’ve only seen in pictures,
to dig up and see with our own eyes
what that enigmatic and peculiar U-shaped structure is.

Rick and the team were lifted out of their sorrow
because apparently, Zena had left her life’s work
to Rick following her demise.
This included a wide variety of books and documents
that connected the mysteries of Oak Island
back to the activities of the Knights Templar.

In fact, these activities could be traced
back to the 12th century,
right in the middle of their medieval organization’s heyday.
As you can imagine,
this was exciting news for Rick and the rest of the team.

The problem with doing this the simple way
with a long reach excavator
is that we do not have a stable hole.
I mean, if we had dug a big pit
with stable sides…
Even Davin Halpen, Zena Halpen’s son,
was excited about this
because this meant that her life’s work
wasn’t going to come to an end
because of her death.

Back in the War Room,
you could tell that this stunning inheritance
was a big win for them.
With any luck, Zena’s life’s work
may provide the clues they need
to get to the bottom
of the mysteries of this peculiar island.

Granted, the information may be disjointed,
but hopefully once the items are shipped to the island,
it’s kind of nostalgic—
that is, Dan dug it in ’71,
and we are going to reveal it in its entirety
and hopefully bring the data to Dan
and show him they may be able
to digest its content properly.

That said, Rick had taken it upon himself
to show the rest of the team a document that he found.
This document gave the details of a member
of the Knights Templar who set off
on a year-long voyage to the New World,
a place that was once known as Antor.

This also came with what was known
as the Corona document—
it was a collection of maps and journal passages
recorded by the 12th-century Templar knight
known as Ralph Dudley.

Apparently, not only did this knight head to Jerusalem,
where he obtained certain historical relics—
which were rumored to include
the coveted Ark of the Covenant—
but he and his comrades had also set off
on a trip to the New World
as it was known back then in the year 1178.

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