The Curse of Oak ISland

Oak Island Dive Team Found NEW Treasure Location Inside Collapsed Tunnel!

Oak Island Dive Team Found NEW Treasure Location Inside Collapsed Tunnel!

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we’ve invested a lot of time and energy
delineating this tunnel and I think
there’s great anticipation on everyone’s
part to try to well not only to put eyes
on it but to see where it may lead.

the Oak Island mystery has captivated
treasure hunters for centuries with
numerous theories and journeys attempting
to uncover the secrets hidden beneath
the surface. in a recent development, the
Oak Island dive team has made a
significant discovery inside a collapsed
tunnel potentially leading to a new
treasure location.

the garden shaft, located in the infamous
m pit area of Oak Island, has been a
key point of the recent treasure hunting
efforts led by the Lagina brothers, Rick
and Marty. dating back to the mid 18th
century, this shaft holds the potential
to unlock new areas of the island and
reveal secrets that have been buried for

the garden shaft is not just any ordinary
structure; it is a gateway to the past
and possibly to hidden treasures. its
renovation and extension are crucial for
the team’s goal to reach and explore a
mysterious tunnel. this tunnel, carbon
dated to as early as the 17th century,
could be a direct link to the activities
of early settlers or treasure seekers on
the island.

what’s going to be exciting is to go down
in that shaft and actually do some digging
and maybe be part of unearthing an
original tunnel would be incredibly
gratifying. its east to west orientation
toward the baby blob area, where high
concentrations of precious metals have
been detected, further heightens its

renovating a structure as old as the
garden shaft is no easy task, especially
when it’s located in an area known for
its water problems. I do believe that
whatever material was contained within
it has fallen to a far greater depth,
but what side and what cardinal direction
we don’t know.

the team has encountered water
infiltration, a common issue in The Money
Pit area, which poses a threat to the
stability of the shaft and the safety of
the excavation process. to combat this,
they have used a fast-setting urethane
to seal off the water intrusion. this
solution not only helps to preserve the
integrity of the shaft but also ensures
that the team can continue their work
without the constant threat of flooding.

the team’s approach to renovating the
garden shaft has been methodical and
strategic. they have extended the
refurbished shaft down to 87 ft with the
ultimate goal of reaching a total depth
of nearly 100 ft. this depth is crucial
for breaching the mysterious tunnel that
lies below. the tunnel, which runs east to
west, is believed to be connected to the
high concentrations of gold, silver, and
other metals detected in the baby blob

the excavation process involves careful
coordination and the use of specialized
equipment. the team has been using
strategic core drilling operations to map
out the area and plan their approach. the
discovery of the tunnel during these
operations has provided a clear target for
the team to aim for as they dig deeper.

the tunnel that the team aims to breach
is not just a physical structure; it
represents a piece of the puzzle in the
Oak Island mystery. its existence suggests
that there were significant activities on
the island long before the discovery of
The Money Pit.

the tunnel’s orientation toward the baby
blob area raises the possibility that it
could be a pathway to a treasure trove.
I think at this point the only way to
exploit this possible clue is to
continue to do some drilling. reaching
this tunnel is a major milestone in the
team’s quest; it could provide clues
about the people who constructed it, the
purpose it served, and most importantly,
the treasure it may lead to.

the team’s efforts to breach the tunnel
are not just about digging through dirt
and rock; they are about uncovering a
story that has been buried for centuries.
the renovation and extension of the
garden shaft are crucial steps in the
ongoing quest to uncover the mysteries
of Oak Island. the Lagina brothers and
their team are determined to reach the
mysterious tunnel below, which holds the
promise of leading them to new discoveries
and possibly to the treasure that has
dodged seekers for generations.

with each shovel of dirt and each foot
of depth, they are not just digging into
the ground; they are digging into history,
inching closer to uncovering the secrets
that Oak Island has kept hidden for so
long. flooding has been a persistent
challenge in the excavation process on
Oak Island, particularly in the efforts
surrounding the garden shaft. the
infiltration of water into the shaft
poses significant risks to the stability
of the structure and the safety of the
team, making it a critical issue to
address in the ongoing search for

flooding in the garden shaft is not a new
problem; it has been a recurring issue in
the history of Oak Island explorations.
the island’s geography and the proximity
of The Money Pit area to the water table
contribute to the constant threat of
water intrusion. as the team digs deeper
in their quest to reach the mysterious
tunnel below the shaft, they encounter
increasing water pressure, which worsens
the infiltration problem.

the presence of water in the shaft
complicates the excavation process in
several ways. it can weaken the
structural integrity of the shaft, making
it prone to collapse. additionally,
water can obscure visibility within the
shaft, making it difficult for the team
to observe and analyze the geological
formations and potential artifacts they

moreover, the constant need to pump out
water slows down the excavation process,
consuming time and resources that could
be used more productively.

first impression when we get in the cave
is that there’s more to this than I
thought. you look around in this cave and
there’s carvings everywhere; it’s really
quite amazing. to combat the water
infiltration issue, the Oak Island team
has turned to a modern solution: fast
setting urethane. this material is used
to seal off the areas of the shaft where
water is seeping in. urethane is an
effective choice for this application
because it expands upon contact with
water, filling cracks and crevices where
water might enter.

once set, it forms a waterproof barrier
that prevents further infiltration. the
application of fast setting urethane is a
delicate process that requires precision
and timing. the team must identify the
specific areas where water is entering
the shaft and apply the urethane before
the water pressure becomes too great.
this proactive approach helps to maintain
the structural integrity of the shaft and
ensures that the excavation process can
continue without constant interruptions
from flooding.

the challenges posed by flooding have a
significant impact on the overall
excavation process. the need to
constantly manage water intrusion adds
complexity to the operation, requiring
additional equipment, labor, and
planning. it also introduces an element
of unpredictability, as sudden increases
in water pressure can quickly change the
conditions within the shaft.

despite these challenges, the team’s
ability to effectively manage water
infiltration is a testament to their
determination and ingenuity. the use of
fast setting urethane and other water
management techniques allows them to
continue their work in pursuit of the
island’s secrets, even in the face of
this persistent obstacle.

this ongoing battle against water shows
the complexities and difficulties of
treasure hunting on the island. despite
the challenges, the team’s perseverance
and innovative approaches continue to push
the boundaries of what is possible in
the quest to uncover the mysteries of
Oak Island.

the discovery of Aladdin’s cave
represents a significant breakthrough in
the ongoing excavation efforts on Oak
Island. this large underground cavity,
found during the core drilling operation
in bore KL 14.5, has captured the
imagination of the treasure hunting team
due to its potential connection to the
island treasure.

so we’re going to put the ending camera
down in KL 14.5. I think we’re all hoping
to see some evidence that men actually
excavated this cave. Aladdin’s cave is
not just an ordinary geological
formation; it is a fascinating clue in
the puzzle that is Oak Island. its
discovery during the core drilling
operation suggests that there may be
more to the island’s underground
landscape than previously thought. the
cave’s size and location make it a prime
candidate for further exploration, as it
could hold valuable artifacts or even

the potential connection of Aladdin’s
cave to the treasure is what makes this
discovery particularly exciting. the
cave’s proximity to the baby blob area
raises the possibility that it could be
part of a network of tunnels or chambers
used by early settlers or treasure
seekers to hide their valuable

the exploration of Aladdin’s cave has
been a methodical process. the team has
employed a high-def camera to navigate
the cave’s interior, providing a clear
view of its features. the camera’s
ability to operate in low light conditions
and pan and tilt for a 360° view has

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