Alaskan Bush People

Alaskan Bush People : Noah’s Wife Refuses To Go To Alaska With Him

Alaskan Bush People : Noah’s Wife Refuses To Go To Alaska With Him


Alaskan Bush People spoilers and updates tease that Snowbird aka Bird, Rain, Noah, and his family were all headed to Alaska, but then, a horrific medical scare delayed their trip.

Alaskan Bush People Spoilers – Bird

Bird was in a lot of pain for months and refused to get medical care until one day, she couldn’t take it anymore because it was so severe and had Rain take her to the hospital. Long story short, Bird had two large masses on her ovaries and had to have them removed. After surgery, she was told that the only way of having the best chance of the tumors not being cancerous if they returned, was to have a complete hysterectomy. At a time when all the family is settling down, having children, and looking towards new homesteads, this was tough news for Bird. The recuperation for the tumor removal is tough enough, but the hysterectomy would be worse.


Alaskan Bush People Updates – Alaska

At first, Noah said that he wouldn’t go back to Alaska without Bird, they grew up close and he wanted her with him. But, that all changed, and Noah is now saying that with or without her, Noah is still going. Noah wants to move to Alaska, and raise his children where he was raised. Since his father died and the ranch fire, Noah really wants a change, and his wife, Rhain is all for it.

Rhain has made a couple of changes lately. She now has her own Instagram account where she posts her own photos. She used to be tied to Noah’s, but they now have their own. She is also in Tucson, Arizona, and she told Noah to go ahead to Alaska and scout for a place to settle down, but she wanted to stay back with the kids. This doesn’t mean they are not moving there, it is just too much to travel with the little ones. Bird on the other hand is not letting her recent surgery stop her from going to Alaska. Ami is really worried about her, but Bird is going to do what she wants to do and nobody is going to stop her, no surprise in that since she is a very strong woman.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Alaskan Bush People right now. Come back here often for all the Alaskan Bush People spoilers, news, and updates.

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