The Curse of Oak ISland

EARTH-SHATTERING GOLD DISCOVERIES | Evidence Unearthed on The Curse of Oak Island

EARTH-SHATTERING GOLD DISCOVERIES | Evidence Unearthed on The Curse of Oak Island

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It’s empirical hard evidence I want to find the answers, and this island has got to be close to giving up its secrets. We identified a lab that can take a look not only at our water samples from the perspective of silver, but they can also analyze them from the perspective of gold.

All right, there you go. I thought gold wasn’t detectable in water, though. Apparently, it is. Okay, so this is something new. It’s a lab in Queens, Ontario, and they specialize in looking at groundwater in exploration for gold mines. Great.

So, I’m pretty excited. Rick, I want to look for this gold as soon as possible. We’ve been looking for gold for 10 years now, and now we hear that maybe we can detect it in the water. Let’s see.

Yeah, I think everybody’s on board with that. So, we’ll get going on that as soon as possible, and we’re just going to need everybody’s help. I think it’s astounding that you can test for gold in the water. My new traces—you have to remember it’s parts per billion that they’re measuring. But hopefully, there is some evidence that there’s gold in The Money Pit.

It’s a little discolored. That’s it. Okay, I’m just going to taste this. No, are you serious? Oh, quite mineral-rich but fresh. So, a fair bit of iron or calcium—that’s nothing that would ever hurt you down there. Moving on.

Okay, yeah, I have some results that have been shared with me that I really felt I had to convey to you as soon as possible. I’m obviously sort of excited by this, and so I hope you are too.

Yeah, so we sent some samples to Pier’s lab. He analyzed them, and a number of the samples I sent to him showed gold.

Oh, really? Really? Yeah, gold.

Well, the team is about to drill borehole DN 11.5 in the baby blob a b hole that they hope will not only encounter valuables below a depth of 80 ft but may also be on track to intercept a tunnel believed to run directly below the garden shaft, where water testing has also detected evidence of gold.

Hey, Charles. Hey, how you doing? How you doing, Terry? Not too bad. Good to see you. We’re down DN 11.5. We’re down 78 to 88 ft. We’re getting close.

Yeah, yeah, oh man. I think I’m going to pull this up. Just broke through something. Hey, guys, so what’s going on over there? I was doing my run to 100. Right, right at about 90 ft, broke through something.

Wow, you got an open space 90 ft below grade. Right, there’s a void down there. Well, you got to confirm whether or not it is a tunnel, and the only way to learn that is to pull the core.

Exactly. Matter—get us some core. Time to find some treasure. If we were to encounter a tunnel in close proximity to this shaft or even at the base of the shaft, that’s a real aha moment.

Got it. It’s a big one. Thank you. There’s some wood, Terry. We got wood at the bottom here.

Yeah, oh my gosh, we’re into something. I’m just going to squeeze in there and get a wood sample. This sample right here—we don’t need much. That sample should be fine. We’re just going to send it in the lab really quickly just to see if there’s metal in that wood.

We’ve got XRF results. The XRF results from DN 11.5—oh good—this definitely appears to be a tunnel, and it sure points towards the garden shaft. And then this specific area is where we’ve got a number of the most likely treasure areas, so-called treasure locations. Really, this will be interesting to see what we find onwards.

Over the past 24 hours, the wood sample recovered one day ago from bhall DN 11.5, which came from a believed tunnel some 90 ft deep that may be connected to the Garden Shaft, was dried out and then scanned by Emma using the X-ray fluorescent spectrometer or XRF, a device that bombards objects with gamma rays, which can detect additional elements or metals that may be found on or within them.

Emma, so what are we seeing?

So, we are seeing some very small quantities. I had to do a lot of double-checking. So, all those are expected materials from Oak Island. We have a lot of iron, manganese, titanium, calcium, potassium, and aluminum. So, these are all common things. Those are all what I would expect—naturally occurring.

Yeah, very natural.

Yeah, but we are seeing some quantities of gold.

It shows gold?

Yeah, yeah, it’s there. Gold is the outlier. Gold is a yes. It’s a very big outlier.

That’s remarkable. The gold sampling of the water and now the wood is probably the thing that might carry the day this year. This might be the start of evidence—an evidence trail. It’s every bit as important as the water sampling has been to date.

Sure, so we mustn’t falter. What we always say is you won’t find samples in here in the lab. Here is where you come up with the answers.

So, we’ll get you more samples.

All right, all righty, sounds good.

Okay, hey Alex, Rick, how you doing?

Perfect timing. We’re just getting started with the probe drill.

Cool. I’m hoping for something very substantial in the garden shaft. This is where the treasure hunt actually begins. You’re grabbing soil samples?

Yes, sir. But the other thing is, when you cut through this tight lining, the old tight lining wood—

Yes, I would like that small piece on every hole.

Yeah, I just wanted to put it in our XRF because we have detected high gold values in the area.

High gold values?

My thought was wood would act like a sponge. If we test the outside of the shaft, we know the water samples are indicating the presence of gold. Certainly, the wood should as well.

We need to get busy.


Oh, look who’s here. The gang’s all here.

The gang’s all here. Come on in. Come on in.

Oh my God, it’s a crown. Hello. How you doing?

Please, Emma’s got some news.

So, you guys gave me these, right? This piece right here, because it’s small, I could do a map scan of it.

And what is that?

That’s the garden shaft in lining.

Okay, the wood pieces—the original shaft.

Yeah, and from this one, I detected gold.

Wow, gold in the wood?

Yeah, wow. That’s wild.

Wow, yeah. In The Money Pit area, our metallurgist Emma Culligan has just shared some astonishing news.

Yeah, I confirmed it. I had to make sure, but there’s definite gold.

What degree of accuracy do you believe that to be?

This one’s accurate 100%.

Yeah, well, there you go, guys. And it’s adhered to the organic material—the wood.

Yeah, 1%.

So, it’s—but still, that is enough. This is huge. Isn’t that like a big number?

That’s a big number.

It is. It’s a lot of parts per billion. Gold could find gold—that’s a superpower around here.

Okay, the results are incredible. Fantastic. Gobsmacking, to use one of Gary’s terms.

That’s huge, isn’t it? Like, that’s a lot. That’s significant.

Yeah, we could be close to the actual treasure. We’ve got a little bit of time to pull it all together, and we’re going to work together to do that. That’s where we are right now. I’m hopeful.

We’ve always said that science had to be a real component of the search, and now this analysis is incredibly invigorating. Look at the smile around the table. I mean, everybody’s smiling. So, it’s a great component.

And we always said that this shaft would provide a unique opportunity if we were humble enough and smart enough to learn from lost opportunities. Right?

Yeah. Anyway, I think we all—

[A round of applause]

Gold! Gold around here—you get applause.

Well, thank you for bringing the news. We appreciate it. It’s all good news.

Search for the truth, absolutely. Find us some more.

Gold Cross

Gold. The reason why we’re here is you ladies made a unique offer. You brought something to Oak Island. You brought something back, which we’re always fascinated with, and we anticipated that greatly. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was wondering what it is you’re going to bring to the table.


Well, it’s my pleasure to show you. While visiting Oak Island, sisters Joan, Jean, and Joyce McGinness, the direct descendants of the young man who first discovered The Money Pit back in 1795, are about to share something incredible with Rick, Marty, and the Oak Island team.

See, everyone start leaning in on—

Yeah, right, exactly. What do we got here? I’m sitting there thinking, well, could it be this? Could it be that? Is it a story? Is it an artifact? What is it? Like Christmas morning.

This is one of the stories we were told as children. Grandpa Daniel, five generations ago, he noticed the marks on the tree. And being from a family of carpenters and masons, he recognized the marks as the marks made by a pulley system. He noticed the depression in the ground

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