The Curse of Oak ISland

After 10 Years Rick Lagina FINALLY Found The Oak Island Treasure At Lot 21!

After 10 Years Rick Lagina FINALLY Found The Oak Island Treasure At Lot 21!

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As another season begins, the committed team
searching for Oak Island’s hidden treasures
works without rest. Each new dig and drill
brings up more artifacts, pulling them closer
to solving the island’s age-old mystery.
This season has been particularly rich,
with many finds lighting up pieces of history long
buried under the earth. Each discovery seems like
a step closer to the truth. But after all this,
could this finally be the end of the search?
Before we dive in, brace yourself—what they’ve
unearthed is more SHOCKING
than anyone anticipated.

Closer to the Cache
Throughout this journey, the team has uncovered
a wide array of astonishing relics. Some of
these finds seem almost too good to be true,
while others feel like something straight out
of a legend. With every new item they dig up,
they edge closer to their ultimate goal. But
what exactly have they found so far, and how does
each discovery advance their quest for treasure?
They had no idea that the next find would turn
everything they knew about Oak Island upside down.

One of the most exciting discoveries in season
eleven occurred on Lot Five—a small area where
the team uncovered a fragment of ceramic.
This wasn’t just any piece of pottery,
but one with unique features that
suggest a complex and old history.
The team was exploring previously
uncharted land when they found it,
and the characteristics of the ceramic hint
at something much deeper beneath the surface.

This particular piece, with a purple-glazed
rim and a darker interior, may date back
to a time long before the infamous
money pit was even created. Laird,
the team’s ceramic expert, was shocked by
its age and possible origins. He suspects
it may have come from Europe and could date
as far back as the sixteen hundreds. This
discovery raises a huge question: how early did
people start exploring or living on Oak Island?

But the ceramic was only one of many clues. During
their dig near a circular stone formation, Gary,
the metal detection expert, uncovered an
old iron latch. Buried deep underground,
this latch could have been part of a cellar
or even a hidden trap door. Its presence
suggests that whoever was on the island
long ago may have intentionally modified
the land. They could have been trying
to hide something or keep it secure.

As the team digs deeper, they start to
wonder if the circular stone formation
is actually a natural feature at all. Could it
have been built by human hands to hide something
valuable? With both the ceramic piece and
the iron latch found so close together,
this theory gains weight. Could this area
have been some sort of hidden storage,
deliberately constructed to keep its
contents a secret from curious eyes?

To better understand what they’re dealing
with, the team sends the iron pieces to a
lab for more analysis. A CT scan reveals
that the artifacts were carefully made
and had multiple uses. Carmen Legge, a
blacksmith expert, examined the finds and
confirmed their age and potential function,
dating them to before the eighteen forties.
This only deepens the mystery—who were these
early visitors, and what were they hiding?

Meanwhile, the team’s exploration continues at
a site called the Garden Shaft. With high hopes,
they dig deeper into the tunnels below.
Working with the Dumas Contracting crew,
they carefully navigate the underground
pathways that have stumped treasure
hunters for years. However, water seeping
into the tunnels presents a new challenge,
requiring creative solutions to
keep their path safe and stable.

As they move forward, they begin to find signs of
something massive underground. They come across a
large void, which they nickname Aladdin’s cave.
This hollow area suggests there may be something
precious hidden below, perhaps even gold. The
presence of wooden structures also hints that
humans have worked in this area before, possibly
building secret chambers to hide their treasures.

But this wasn’t the most surprising part. As
the team investigates boreholes around the
money pit, they turn to Dr. Ian Spooner and his
colleagues for help. Using advanced techniques,
including fluorescence spectroscopy,
they analyze the soil for traces of
metal and other materials. The results
show that Oak Island’s history is even
more complicated than anyone thought. It
seems people have been digging and possibly
hiding things on the island for far
longer than previously believed.

As the team pushes forward, more artifacts
come to light. Among them is a collection of
old coins found near Lot Five. These coins,
which appear to have been made by hand,
look a lot like Roman coins that were found on the
island in the past. This raises more questions:
could Oak Island’s history be connected to
multiple different cultures and time periods?

Excitement filled the air as Rick Lagina
quickly called his brother, Marty,
to join him at the Oak Island dig site.
They had already made an exciting find,
and the day was just getting started. Early in
their search on Lot Five, Rick stumbled upon yet
another coin. This was now the third coin they
had found, and the season had only just begun.

The coin, like the others, looked like
it had been crafted by hand. Its worn
edges and the greenish-brown
color showed that it was old,
perhaps even older than the history
of Oak Island itself. This find made
the brothers wonder if it could be a key to
understanding the larger mystery of the island.

Eager to learn more, Rick and Marty took their
growing collection of coins to Laird and Emma,
the experts at the interpretive center. Using
modern tools like XRF (which analyzes the
elements in objects) and CT scanning, they hoped
to uncover the origins of these mysterious coins.
The results were fascinating. The first coin, made
mostly of copper and silver, seemed different from
Roman coins, which are typically made from tin
and lead. This made the team think that, while
the coin was ancient, it was from a different
time or place than they had originally thought.

But this wasn’t the most puzzling part.
When they looked at the second coin,
they found something intriguing.
A faint image of a woman seemed to
be etched into its center. This coin was
made of copper, lead, tin, and silicone,
materials similar to Roman coins found on
the island before. Could this be a sign
that the Knights Templar—or some other early
visitors—had brought this coin to Oak Island?

The third coin, however, left the team scratching
their heads. It had a unique pattern of woven or
chain-like links. A scan showed it was made from
brass, copper, silver, and surprisingly, iron and
manganese. The inclusion of these materials
suggested that the coin could be more modern
than the others, throwing off their expectations.
However, upon closer examination, Emma noticed
high levels of calcium and phosphorus, elements
often found in French deniers from the thirteenth
century. This was similar to the composition
of a lead cross they had discovered earlier,
sparking a new theory about the historical
connections between these artifacts.

But this wasn’t the strangest part.
Could these coins point to trade or
contact between different cultures, like
the Knights Templar and local populations
on Oak Island? The team’s curiosity grew
as they thought about the possibilities.
Were these coins evidence of long-ago
exchanges between different groups?

Feeling motivated by these discoveries, the team
headed back to Lot Five the next day, eager to
find more. Craig’s sharp eye quickly picked out
a small iron object that looked like it could
be part of a map. They sent it off for analysis,
hoping it might reveal more secrets. Then, under
a pile of debris, they found yet another coin—the
fourth of the season. This coin was in excellent
condition, and its well-preserved surface made
it easy to see that it was likely Roman. Like
the other coins, it was handmade, and its aged
surface told a story of many years gone by.

These discoveries were thrilling, but they also
made the team realize they had only scratched the
surface. The team decided to shift their attention
to the swamp area of Oak Island. In past seasons,
they had uncovered many important artifacts
near the dam. With limited access to the area,
they turned to their remotely operated
vehicle (ROV) for an underwater look.
Tony volunteered to dive in,
eager to get a firsthand look.

As Tony searched the murky waters, he made an
exciting discovery—pieces of worked timber that
matched details from Zena’s map of the area.
These wooden beams suggested human activity
in the swamp, perhaps dating back centuries.
But this wasn’t all. Tony found more: ceramic
fragments and a clay sailor pipe, all lying near
a large boulder. This led the team to wonder
if the swamp had once been a hidden spot where
items were secretly stored, untouched for years.

But the biggest surprise came as Tony continued
his search. During a sweep around the boulder,
his metal detector buzzed with excitement.
He uncovered a round, coin-like object with
a hole

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