The Curse of Oak ISland



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Their attention is on the cross’s head,
a stone where its arms and stem join,
a spot that is especially significant
because of the findings made by Fred Nolan,
the landowner and thorough investigator.

In 1981, Fred discovered five massive cone-shaped stones
on his land, set in a perfectly symmetrical cross
measuring an impressive 720 by 867 feet.
Fred was intrigued by this unusual layout
and suspected that something important
was hidden in its center. His curiosity
pushed him to look more, finally locating
a sixth stone that resembled a massive human head.

The team’s research of Nolan’s Cross
promises to reveal not just the likelihood
of human involvement in its construction
but possibly the presence of buried treasures
or major historical artifacts inside its boundaries.

While many have long considered
that the mysterious stones of Nolan’s Cross
were set to represent a Templar cross,
another idea proposes a far more complex
and significant design. This theory argues
that the stones were purposefully arranged
to depict the Tree of Life,
a deep symbol in ancient Hebrew mysticism
representing the ten spiritual principles
involved in God’s creation of the universe.

Support for this idea grew as smaller stones
with unusual flat edges were discovered,
neatly set around the cross. Matching the cross,
these stones, with their rounded backs and flat sides,
have patterns that closely resemble facial features
like eyes and lips. Furthermore, the existence
of traces indicating where a naval sword
or naval blade may have been placed
adds to the mystery surrounding their location.

The theory that Nolan’s Cross was intentionally built
to resemble the Tree of Life raises questions
about the founders’ motives and beliefs.
If correct, this idea might indicate
that the area has great spiritual or religious importance,
perhaps leading to other findings
that give information on the ancient practices
or beliefs of the individuals who built it.

Mike Welling and Mark Fugier examine Nolan’s Cross
and discover fascinating elements
that might support either viewpoint.
Their knowledge sheds light on the nature
of the rock formation, raising fresh questions
regarding its origins and function.

Rick Charles and Jack carefully consider
the consequences of their discoveries,
recognizing the importance of Nolan’s Cross
in the larger context of Oak Island’s riddles.
As they wait for more developments at The Money Pit,
their attention is pulled to this fascinating location,
where past and present cross in a complicated puzzle
waiting to be solved.

The significance of Nolan’s Cross goes beyond
its physical form, acting as a symbol
of the island’s rich past and continued search for answers.
Whether it signifies a Templar cross,
the Tree of Life, or something else completely,
its presence on Oak Island continues to fuel
interest and mystery.

The weathering of Nolan’s Cross over the years
has greatly impacted its appearance,
with one team member stating that
it looked entirely different 20 years ago.
While the other stones in the cross
are usually granite and cone-shaped,
this one is flatter, suggesting its own past and function.

Rick believes that the arrangement of the stones’ face,
particularly the eye, may suggest that
it was intended to face a prominent region.
While this is their suspicion, they hope
that Mike and Mark, the stone masons,
will be able to give further information
about the stones and their importance.

Despite the mystery around Nolan’s Cross,
Rick is realistic about its possibilities.
He admits that while it’s an amazing find,
it’s unlikely to lead to wealth or other
significant discoveries. However, he emphasizes
the significance of beginning somewhere
in their search for answers
and feels that talking with specialists
such as Mike and Mark is the best way to go.

The team’s approach displays their dedication
to conducting a thorough and demanding examination
of Oak Island’s riddles. While they remain hopeful
that Nolan’s Cross will provide useful information,
they are willing to accept that it may not supply
all of the answers they seek.

Nonetheless, they are determined to pursue
every clue and investigate every path
in their search for the truth about Oak Island’s
mysterious past. The next day, the crew
chooses to investigate the bottom of Nolan’s Cross,
picturing it straight as a cone-shaped granite block
weighing up to 5 tons. This investigation seeks
to drive a better understanding of the stone’s
original orientation and purpose, providing
a new perspective on this fascinating structure.

All five stones at Nolan’s Cross are granite
and have a similar form. The crew wonders
if they’ve located a stone that’s close enough
to what they need, requiring just limited modifications,
or if it was purposefully moved into its current location.

The stone masons Mark and Mike note
that the stone’s surface is extremely smooth,
unlike any natural granite they had seen before.
This irregularity raises issues regarding
the stone’s origin and history, suggesting
the potential of purposeful activity by humans.

This rock, at the base of Nolan’s Cross,
located in the center of Oak Island
on land held by Fred Nolan’s family,
may provide essential clues. Its flawless surface
against the rough texture of the surrounding granite
suggests that it was purposefully cut and placed,
adding to the mystery and fascination
of the location.

Rick Lagina discusses the significance of the discovery,
stating that the stones of Nolan’s Cross
appear to have been transported a long distance
and precisely positioned in their current arrangement.
The smoothness of the bottom rock contrasts strongly
with the roughness of the remainder of the stone,
suggesting a deliberate and possibly purposeful change.

The team’s discovery offers up fresh paths
for investigation and speculation: could
this smooth boulder be an important part
of a bigger unknown construction or monument
on Oak Island, or does it provide clues
to the origin and function of Nolan’s Cross,
shedding light on the island’s mysterious history?

As they continue to investigate Nolan’s Cross
and its surroundings, the crew is attracted
by the secrets of Oak Island. Each find,
no matter how small, contributes
to the hints and mysteries that have long
surrounded the island’s famous treasures.

Their careful approach and attention to detail
demonstrate their commitment to discovering
the mysteries of Oak Island in a respectful
and systematic manner. While the ultimate aim
of locating treasure remains hidden,
the voyage itself is packed with excitement,
discovery, and the pleasure of learning
about Oak Island’s rich and mysterious history.

A few days later, Rick Lagina, along with
team members and Terry Deveau,
meet to discuss a stone that Terry believes
is not well known, with just a few people,
including himself, aware of its existence.
Terry describes inviting Rick, Greg Tester,
and Dave Blanken Ship to Overton,
144 miles west of Oak Island.

A year ago, he showed them a collection
of sculptures said to be hundreds of years old,
including an amazing Christian symbol,
a cross with a circle. This discovery
raises the idea of a connection
between Peggy’s Cove and their Oak Island mystery,
despite their geographical distance.

Terry describes how he discovered the stone
around four years ago while looking for
historic walls and petroglyphs, which are rock engravings.
He was instantly struck by the fact that
the stone did not appear to be a natural boulder or rock,
but rather that it had been carefully worked.

This discovery encouraged him to do more research
into the stone’s significance. In recent years,
Rick, Marty, and their team have uncovered
a number of unusual and potentially significant
stone sculptures on and around Oak Island,
from New Ross to the Bedford Barons.

They question if these carvings were purposefully made
as clues to assist in solving the Oak Island mystery.
As they inspect the rock, they observe
various distinguishing characteristics,
including a mouth, nose, and the rock’s orientation
towards the sea. Terry explains that the stone
was modified into its current location,
as shown by the smaller rocks beneath it.

In addition, the rock’s shape has been altered
to highlight its facial characteristics.
The crew notices textural differences
across the rock, suggesting that specific portions
were purposely cleaned off to improve its look.
While some surfaces display natural weathering,
others are the result of purposeful design.

The discovery of this finely carved rock
raises several concerns regarding its origin,
function, and the people who created it.
Could this stone be another piece
of the Oak Island puzzle, revealing more
about its mysterious past? Terry’s discovery
adds to their gathering body of evidence,
indicating that Oak Island and its surroundings
may hold more mysteries than previously believed.

The team’s passion to solve these puzzles
is clear in their thorough analysis
of every stone inscription and artifact
they come across. After much waiting,
the steel casing has finally arrived
at its destination, perhaps discovering their
mystery wooden buildings spotted by Rick
and Craig Tester two years earlier.

According to historical documents, their excavation
revealed within a foot of the estimated position,
indicating that they are on the correct track.
Marty Lagina emphasizes the necessity
of proving they have reached the vault,
expressing confidence that they have discovered
something big. He is excited to see
if this is the vault they have been looking for.

A little disagreement occurs between the Lagina brothers
on the future steps. Marty demands

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