The Curse of Oak ISland

The Oak Island Treasure Has Been Found! NEWEST Episode LEAKED!

The Oak Island Treasure Has Been Found! NEWEST Episode LEAKED!

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For more than 200 years, hundreds of people
have embarked on voyages to find the elusive
treasure in the Money Pit on Oak Island.
What started as a treasure hunt between friends in
1795 has snowballed into different quests taken
on by people. The Lagina brothers are some people
dedicated to this centuries-long search.

After all of their efforts and resources,
have they finally found the treasure? Is the
search finally over? Join us as we talk all
about the Oak Island treasure that has recently
been found and how mind-blowing the discovery is.

In this episode of The Curse of Oak Island,
we continue with the Lagina brothers as they
follow leads in hopes of taking them to
the illusory treasure. For eleven seasons,
these two men, along with their team of experts,
have worked tirelessly to finally lay their hands
on the loot that has evaded so many people.
Will this finally be the end of their quest?

The episode begins with the team stumbling across
an unknown and shiny object.
This object was possibly gold,
and this meant that they were getting closer and
closer to the treasure. The Curse of Oak Island
team discovered this lead by draining some
swamps in hopes of getting to the treasure.

They weren’t too sure about the
validity of the draining action,
but with all the other discoveries they had
made, this was just another important cog in
the wheel. Every lead and every action
taken counted as important because the
things found by different people for over 200
years may or may not be linked to the treasure.

For starters, there was the discovery of a
large stone with different symbols carved on
it. Secondly, the bone pieces and skeletons
of the people who also wanted a piece of the
treasure but didn’t make it because they met
their untimely end on the island. And lastly,
a lead cross. There have also been
a couple of other discoveries but
in the grand scheme of things,
they could be insignificant.

However, there are some elements of the Oak Island
treasure hunt that are deemed to be fascinating.
Some people have claimed that these discoveries
can be matched with the Knights Templar.

Sometime in the twelfth century, a
Christian military order known as the
Knights Templar was established. It was
first established during the Crusades to
safeguard Christian visitors going to the
Holy Land, especially in Jerusalem. It was
approximately in 1129 that the Catholic
Church formally acknowledged the order.

With the help of gifts from European nobles
and their own commercial endeavors, such as
banking and land management, the Templars
soon amassed riches and influence. They
developed into one of the Crusader powers’
largest and most effective military units.

However, the Templars’ power and wealth also
inspired jealousy and mistrust. King Philip
the Fourth of France, who owed a great deal
to the order, started plotting against them
at the beginning of the fourteenth century.
He issued an order in 1307 to have numerous
Templars in France arrested on charges
of heresy, blasphemy, and other offenses.
Some European nations also
adopted similar measures.

Many Templars made confessions under torture,
while historians disagree on the accuracy of
these testimonies of various crimes. In 1312,
Pope Clement the Fifth dissolved the order at
the behest of Philip the Fourth. Some Templars
were put to death, and many others were arrested.

There is a possibility that the Templars hid many
of the riches that they garnered on Oak Island.
The Lagina brothers and their team
would have to figure out who the
treasure belonged to the minute they
got to it. In their latest adventure,
they encountered a strange structure
situated at one of their choice locations.

It was a large circle of rocks surrounding
a swamp. Granted, it might not have looked
like much, but for such a quest as this, every
discovery counted. It had been a while since
the team made any major progress, and
this made them very eager and excited.

The first step to understanding this new find
was to recruit the help of one of their dear
friends and close associates. His name is
Doctor Ian Spooner. He is a knowledgeable
geologist with a mastery of understanding rocks,
especially the rocks that were found in the swamp.

After some analysis was made about
the swamp the rocks were found in,
Doctor Spooner concluded that
the swamp wasn’t natural. He
was certain that the swamp was built
by some people a long, long time ago.

Expanding on his opinion, he said,
I was really interested in trying to
find something that connects the stone
road to something else. He continued,
we know it had to be used for something else, and
they were going somewhere and doing something.

Understandably, the Lagina brothers and team were
even more interested in finding out more secrets
or clues that could lead them to the treasure.
The information they got from Doctor Spooner
would affect how they investigated the area and
the different measures they would carry out.

In their ongoing explorations into the swamp,
they were able to discover an interesting part
of Oak Island. This part of the island
is known as Nolan’s Cross. Their analyses
made them find some blue clay there. This
changed everything because a few years ago,
the team discovered some blue clay
when they dug deep into the Money Pit.

Blue clay in the Money Pit and some
more blue clay in the swamp? Surely,
there had to be some sort of link. And if
there was any link, the Lagina brothers and
team made up their minds to get to the
root of it all. This could finally mean
they were really close to the treasure, and they
could uncover even more secrets of the island.

To explore the swamp more, the team decided
to drain out the swamp. Draining out the
swamp would allow them to explore its clouded
and dreary waters. However, there was a catch,
and draining out the swamp wasn’t
going to be a walk in the park.

Hardly a week after draining the swamp, the
mud, sticks, and muck that remained proved to
be a fresh set of challenges for the team. This
new problem made them believe that the island
and nature were doing everything they could
to prevent them from reaching the treasure.

For about a month, the Lagina brothers
and team didn’t make any headway after
draining the swamp. However, after
weeks of excavating the drained swamp,
they found a huge stone area. Doctor Spooner
was invited again to make his analysis,
and again, he concluded that the stone
was made by people from years ago.

When they reached the eye of the swamp,
they discovered some boulders that looked
fascinating. Of course, this made them all
wonder if these boulders had a connection to
the rocks they found earlier. When the team
brought Jerry over to analyze the boulders,
he wasn’t able to draw a concrete conclusion.

However, he noted that he had seen other
kinds of boulder pavements before. The
ones he had seen looked different
from the ones the team found. The
boulders they found had a type of
soil that was attached to them.

Because of this new information, they shifted
their focus to the sediments deposited in the
area that could have materialized as a result
of the wind accumulated over eight millennia
ago. More and more investigations of the area
made them discover some filled-in cellars that
looked like the stones they stumbled upon earlier.
Was there more to the island than meets the eye?

The filled-in cellars were truly bizarre because
there weren’t any explanations that could make the
team comprehend them more. The lack of a compost
layer around the cellars amazed them more because,
at least, they would have been able to tell if any
natural disasters had happened there in the past.

Doctor Spooner further claimed that some humans
put them there deliberately. Maybe it was some
people who had been there in the past that had
a hidden agenda. Either way, the Lagina brothers
and their team made up their minds to know
what exactly had happened there in the swamp.

It only made sense that they increased
their efforts and dug even deeper into
the swamp. There had to be more that was
going on under the surface. Thousands of
miles away in Traverse City, Michigan,
Marty Lagina was overseeing other issues.

He was on a very important phone call
with Mark Monahan. Mark was one of the
representatives of a company called Irving
Equipment. This phone call was all about
the steel cofferdam that was erected
around Smith’s Cove. This was essential
because it aided the investigations the Lagina
brothers and team were currently undergoing.

Also, there was a little problem. The
government permit that was utilized
to erect the cofferdam was about to
expire in a month. This wasn’t a great
situation for the team because they were in
a race against time to lift the cofferdam,
so they wouldn’t break any laws or
go against any environmental rules.

Basically, after

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