The Curse of Oak ISland

‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Sends High-Def Camera Into C-1 Shaft

‘Curse Of Oak Island’ Sends High-Def Camera Into C-1 Shaft

This season has seen the team on The Curse of Oak Island working with a lot of high-tech equipment that they have not utilized in the past. Instead of just digging, exploring, and searching for clues to the mythical gold, they have used equipment that allows them to see underground.

Now, they are sending high-def cameras underground to try to find more evidence of hidden chambers and a possible home of the missing treasure.

Curse of Oak Island filming underground

In the recent episode, the team sent high-def cameras underground at the C-1 Shaft and found a mysterious metal object. Rick Lagina and the island historians Charles Barkhouse and Dave Blankenship met up with the remote camera specialist Jeff Christopherson in the C1-Shaft area of the Money Pit.

Their goal was to get some footage of the underground chamber, and Christopherson used the Spectrum 120 camera because it allowed a 360-degree view. It also allowed footage of underwater environments of up to 1,000 feet in depth.

The Curse of Oak Island / YouTube

Once the camera was in place deep under the Money Pit, Rick and his team saw some great images on their monitor. This included a shape that Rick believed had to be manmade. They realized it was a piece of metal with another piece of metal going through it.

This made the team believe it had a connection with some gold that Rick and Charles had photographed in the shaft two years ago. The team moved the camera around and found something else that looked like a bent piece of metal, deep underground as well. They identified it as a hook that was lying on the surface underground.

Rick asked if this item was protruding from the wall, and then asked if it is metallic. He said if the answer to those questions is yes, that means that humans put it there. Years ago, people digging an adjacent tunnel to the possible treasure had it collapse and it sent debris, possibly from the treasure they were trying to get, into a debris field on the floor.

That is what the team believes this is.

The team went underground for the first time this season

For years, the team on Curse of Oak Island has been searching for the almost mythical treasure. However, this season, they finally got to send someone underground for the first time since their treasure hunt began.

It started with the team hiring Dumas Contracting Ltd, and after dealing with Canadian red tape, they started digging. They also found another tunnel into the Garden Shaft, and it was time to get moving underground to find more treasure.

Do you think the camera footage will finally reveal the chambers and hidden rooms that the Curse of Oak Island team is sure exists on the island? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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