Alaskan Bush People

MOTHER TRAGEDY! Noah Brown Very Shocking Update – ABP

MOTHER TRAGEDY! Noah Brown Very Shocking Update - ABP

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Hey guys, as promised, Mom said that she wants to do an update of her own, but she’s locked out of her TikTok, so she’s going to use mine because I’m here. She has all of her grandbabies with her, so I get to see them every day with me here.

So, how are you doing, Mom?

Okay, bear with me. I have coughed straight for 5 days and I’ve lost my voice. It is coming back—you can hear it today, can’t you? It’s coming back, it’s on the mend. They’ve been giving you a lot of that stuff to inhale to be able to cough things up from the lungs.

Before we start, basically what is wrong is she had a bacterial infection in her lung caused by bacteria. She’s been on antibiotics, some stuff to help with the swelling, and things that she’s breathing in to help her cough everything out. Thus, the voice. Yes, and she has pneumonia because of all of that. She’s on the mend, though.

So, Mom, how are you feeling?

I am feeling quite well, actually. It was in both lungs—both, both. And let me just say, I was on death’s bed. I waited too long to come to the doctor. So please go to the doctor as soon as you feel that you need to, and tell your loved ones as soon as you know. Repeat after me, so your loved ones are aware of what’s happening. It is a very serious matter.

Yeah, I was very close to that point. I was suffocating and I have been given great medical care from two great facilities—two facilities and five doctors at this point, four more, two in TacSet, and then how many from here? Two. And a slew of very wonderful nurses. If we’re talking nurses too, it’s like an eight or nine.

Of course, you’ve been in the hospital for 5 days. It’s my fifth day, so I really started becoming on the mend the best yesterday. My lungs were still very rough and the only way the medicines helped was to get the infection released with the antibiotics and things, also which were in an IV. Five days.

I got this now. You want to show them your other arm? Here’s the other one. This is the one that they couldn’t hit at first, and it looks better than it did yesterday. A lot. Even if—oh, don’t touch—oh, don’t touch—that’s even going to get me. Don’t touch it. But actually, hourly I could feel myself becoming better.

But my biggest uphill climb was yesterday. Hourly, literally, I felt myself getting better.

And what about you? We have seen it visually. It was yesterday. So, the day before yesterday, when you were going to bed, she just looked awful. But then the next morning—because this hospital didn’t allow me to sleep over; it’s understandable, insurance and whatnot—I stuck my truck. They kept a good eye on me. They swore they would, and they did. But when I came in yesterday morning, I was sitting there and I’m like, okay, she’s smiling and she’s not making her death rattle.

You know what sound I’m talking about?

I do. It’s like we make light of it because there’s no need to be overly serious when everyone knows it’s very serious. And which would you prefer—having someone just melancholic in the corner or constantly trying to make you laugh?

Constantly trying to make you laugh.

And I did a very good job of it. He’s a great bedside partner for me here. I’m very funny, but…

Looks like everything. We’ve had a great time together. Couldn’t have done it without him, for sure.

I’m sure you could have.

You could have.

No, you could have.

No, yeah. I’m just glad that someone was here for you. That was important, that someone was here to support you through everything.

My children are busy. They’re busy. Half of them are sick.

I know. And they’re—I’m like the only one that doesn’t have a cold at this point.

I know. And that has a car, anyway.

Everyone, we try to help each other as best we can in any way we can. And it has been my honor to be able to be the one here with you.

And it has been my honor to have you be the one here with me. If that came out right.

Y’all, as you can hear my voice, I couldn’t say—tell them how good I could talk yesterday. Now I couldn’t say—it sounded like a muppet with pneumonia trying to sing the Pledge of Allegiance. I couldn’t even say “hi.”

No, that’s about what it sounded like. Is that you imitating, or is that you trying?

Okay, I was going. It’s going down again.

No, no, no. But, um, I had a good—I had an X-ray this morning.

Did you get those results back?

It will all be in my… Okay, so that’s when the doc… Okay, I haven’t seen those yet. I think else I’m like, I want.

And I had my digital portal into this hospital. Those are good?


Yeah, um, I just want to say that Amy Brown of ABP updates fans following her hospital release. Admirers of Alaskan Bush People were informed by Snowbird Brown that her mother, Amy Brown, was admitted to the hospital. The head of the Wolfpack is now able to provide her admirers with updates directly, given that the Discovery Channel star first had trouble breathing on her own. This seems like wonderful news.

What did she tell her followers? Amy Brown visited the hospital because she was in trouble. The ABP actress was lucky to have moved to Washington with her late husband, Billy, when she became unwell a little over a week ago. She was battling cancer at the time, so the relocation guaranteed that medical assistance would be available when needed.

Snowbird claims that in addition to getting sick, her mother also became unwell. That was concerning, though, when she started having trouble breathing. It was discovered that she had pneumonia. When they brought her to the emergency room, Bear Brown provided the following update regarding the star of Alaskan Bush People: Amy Brown was improving. He claimed—he even mentioned her strength and her past health issues. The Discovery Channel star was sure his mother would return home shortly.

Naturally, a lot of her admirers expressed their prayers for her and their wish for her to return home soon. The Wolfpack mother then provided fans with an Instagram reel on Saturday, March 23, after the hospital. The ABP star updates while out for a walk in the snow. The tough mother revealed that she was home while strolling through a snowfall, which appeared to surprise a few people. People could tell she wasn’t completely recovered because of how raspily she was breathing.

She did, however, wear a black coat in preparation for the cold. She also had on a cap to shield her head from the snow. She added a “Snowy Mountain walk” in her caption. She continued to talk in the reel, providing more details. The ABP celebrity stated:

“Hi, I thought I would go outside and do some little lung workout since I don’t feel labored or like I might pass out right now. I thought I’d show you this gorgeous snowstorm today. I still have a really raspy voice from all the coughing in the hospital. I also want to say thank you for all of your kind words. Thank you for the prayers and love. I still have pneumonia and I’m having trouble breathing, but I’m improving. Still, it was beautiful out today.”

“Your breathing is very rapid. Maybe don’t walk while breathing in cold air,” a Discovery Channel viewer advised Amy Brown. Others, meanwhile, left supportive and kind messages in the comments.

“I’m very happy to hear that your condition has improved. I’m so glad you’re no longer in the hospital. Lovely. Plenty of attention, please. Moreover, love and prayer. Amy, warmest regards and hugs, dear. I hope you feel well soon.”

Englishwoman Iron, do you find it encouraging that Amy Brown is feeling so much better? She hasn’t totally recovered and still sounds really breathless, but she is improving gradually. Leave your thoughts in the section below and return here for more Alaskan Bush People stories.

Thank you.

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