The Curse of Oak ISland

The Curse of Oak Island: Aladdin’s Cave Reveals Man-Made Workings

The Curse of Oak Island: Aladdin's Cave Reveals Man-Made Workings

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[Steve] There’s two straight lines.
One there, and one there.
-[Paul] Absolutely.

[narrator] In the Money Pit area on Oak Island,
Rick, Marty, and other members of the team
have just obtained new sonar data
that indicates possible evidence
of man-made workings some 150 feet deep
in a large cavern known as Aladdin’s Cave.

[dramatic music playing]
[Steve] They certainly don’t look natural.
[Paul] Yeah.
We’ll see those better when Steve puts them in the 3D model.
The characterization of this opening is, I really think,
gonna give us a lot of information as to
how people proceeded in the past to dig
and work below 106 in the Money Pit area.
Keep rotating it, please, Paul.

[dramatic musical sting]
[tense music playing]
Stop there.
[Terry] What I’m seeing is the potential
that that slope there…
-[Paul] Yeah.
-…might be sand.
And this slope could be burying
whatever might be on the floor there.

[Marty] There’s a pretty square wall along one side.
Very interesting.
You almost only could come up with one explanation
why there would be man-made anything in that cave.
It was some sort of deposit of treasure.

We have a very good view here.
So based on the data we have today,
this is the western part of the cave.
It’s substantial in size.
But most importantly, we need to see where it’s coming from.

[Marty] Are you seeing a potential way in?
I mean, we could go over to that direction
and see if it continues on, yes.

[dramatic music playing]
[Marty] I think you’ve gotta put a drill hole on it.
[Rick] That’s what I would do.
I simply wanna see a way into Aladdin’s Cave.
There’s a possibility that treasure does reside there.
But I think… all things Oak Island, everything is incremental.
We’re seeing a little bit of an echo here
so maybe there is an opening.

[Rick] Let’s do some more drilling,
put a camera down into it,
let’s see what we learn,
and then make a decision on how to proceed.
So I think everyone here is quite adamant
that we need to make a proper, sound assessment
of what this represents, right?

-There are two ways to do it.
One is, put another drill hole down
and put it on a more detailed, outward-looking scan.
-Sounds good.
Let’s do it. Set it up.
I think that’s all we can do today. Nice job.
-All right, guys.

[Terry] Time’s gonna tell.
[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] The following morning…
[dramatic musical sting]
-[Craig] Hey, Scott.
-[Scott] Hi, guys.
-What’s up?
-How we doing?
Not so great.
We have some issues here inside the shaft wall.
They were doing some drilling, trying to find
the source of the water coming in.
And the water’s coming in at quite a rate.
It was raising about a foot an hour in the shaft.
Roger, he’s got a camera down there.
He’s definitely gonna get some pictures and video.
-Gonna show us what he sees.
-[Craig] Good.

[narrator] Rick Lagina and Craig Tester join Scott Barlow
in the Money Pit area where members of Dumas Contracting Ltd.
are struggling to stop the mysterious flow of water
that continues to flood the Garden Shaft.


[ominous music playing]
[Roger] Whoa.
[ominous music playing]
-[man] Yeah.
-[Roger] Hm.

[Scott] So they’re about 65 feet down
where the water’s coming in.
And it seems to be an isolated spot
because they’ve drilled around it.
And it’s dry.

-Hey, guys.
-[Scott] Hey, Roger.
-How’d it go down there?
-[Roger laughs]
I got some, uh, pretty weird things, actually.
In there, there’s a… it’s like a little cavern
and it’s full of timber in there.
-[Roger] It’s really weird.
Actually, I’ve got a picture.
Maybe I can show you.
‘Cause there’s a long void in there.
You can see in here…
See, that’s inside the cavity.
See these planks up there?
They look like 1×6 laid one on top of the other.

-[Craig] Oh, wow.
-[Roger] It’s weird.
It is weird.

[narrator] It is a perplexing moment for Rick Lagina,
Craig Tester, and their team in the Money Pit area.
As workers from Dumas Contracting Ltd. were probe drilling
in an effort to find the source of the water flow
that is currently flooding the Garden Shaft,
they discovered a mysterious cavern
just outside the structure at a depth of 65 feet
that contains wooden timbers.

You’ll see some really good shots.
[dramatic music builds rapidly]
Wow, look.
It’s quite a cavity.
It is.
Seeing the void, or the cavity,
your first thought, of course, is,
“Is this possibly connected to an offset chamber
or a previously unknown void/cavity/tunnel?
And might it lead somewhere?”

-[Scott] That’s horizontal.
-[Roger] Right.
That cavity is certainly interesting.
You know, thought-provoking at the very least.
Oh, for sure.

[Rick] But you’ve gotta get down there.
You’ve gotta put your eyes on it.
And if it happens to turn out to be true,
wow, that would be amazing.
I know I’m anxious to enlarge that hole, if we can.
-Oh, for sure.
-And have a look in there.

First things first, we need to deal with the water.

-[narrator] Is it possible that a frustrating setback
for the team has actually led to a potential
breakthrough discovery that may help them solve
the Oak Island mystery?
Unfortunately, they will have to first stop the flow of water
into the Garden Shaft before they can find out for sure.

It’s pretty ironic, you know?
Think about this.
We’re 200-plus years after the first shaft was dug here
and we’re still dealing with the same issues
the first people were.
-Water coming in.
-[Rick] But on some level,
that’s what makes this very interesting, right?
Bottom line is this: you’ll find a way
and the tunnel is still down there.
-[Roger] Yep.

And look, at the end of the day,
we’ll all put our heads together
and then collectively, we can have a good idea
of how to proceed.
It’s Charles who says it all the time,
if this were easy, we’d have been done long ago.
We’re on Oak Island, for gosh sakes.
-Right? We’re…

Two-hundred-twenty-eight-year mystery.
If we’re gonna let a little water say to us,
“Well, you know what? We’re done.”
-“We’re done.”
-We’re not. We’re not done.
So let’s just keep going.
-We can solve this together.
-[Craig] It’s a plan.
-[Rick] Thank you, Roger.
-[Roger] Right on.
-[Rick] We’ll get to it.


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