Alaskan Bush People

‘ABP’ Snowbird Brown Cancer Update: Headed To Hospital

‘ABP’ Snowbird Brown Cancer Update: Headed To Hospital

Snowbird Brown Instagram

Snowbird Brown gave a recent health update. She took to her Instagram on Monday to explain to her fans what was going on. The reality star reassured everyone that was she fine for the moment but said that she was headed to the hospital. Her cancer scare in 2022 was featured on season 14 of the popular reality show Alaskan Bush People. So, what is going on now that she needs to see her doctor? Keep reading to find out.

What has Snowbird Brown been doing lately?

In the mountains of Washington state, Snowbird Brown, 28, makes her home along with other members of her family. They live a simple life raising their animals and living off the land. Snowbird keeps up pretty well. She posts updates on social media pretty much every month letting fans in on what she’s been doing in the bush. At the beginning of summer, she shared that she was taking an old garden that had been overrun by weeds and brush and redoing it by planting a few things such as zucchini.

In addition, Snowbird helps to care for the horses on the ranch and the longhorns. In July, she introduced everyone to a few baby longhorns that were added to their brood. Of course, she has plenty of cats to keep her busy as well. In August, mom Ami Brown celebrated a special milestone. The family honored Ami on her 60th birthday. It was bittersweet for them as matriarch Billy Brown passed away in 2021. It has been a rough few years for the Brown family, but they seem to be thriving these days.

Snowbird Brown Instagram

Along with the tragedy of losing their beloved husband and father, the Browns found themselves with yet another crisis. Snowbird was found to have precancerous tumors on her ovaries over a year ago. She had surgery to remove them and thankfully they were not cancerous. However, her team of doctors strongly suggested a full hysterectomy as they told her that she had a high risk of cancer later on.

Snowbird is taking a road trip to Seattle

On Instagram, Snowbird said that she was headed out on a road trip to Seattle for a doctor’s appointment. She explained that she is having a procedure done called a diagnostic laparoscopy. Although she didn’t go into any further details, it is likely to see if there is anything concerning going on since her surgery.

Snowbird has spent the past year healing and getting some rest. The Alaskan Bush People star had decided to wait a while before she made any decisions about getting a hysterectomy. It’s a major decision since she wants kids in the future. This procedure may just give her some insights one way or the other.

Have you been following Snowbird Brown’s health journey? TV Shows Ace will be sure to keep you updated.

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