The Curse of Oak ISland

Oak Island Dive Something TERRIFYING Inside Collapsed Tunnel!

Oak Island Dive Something TERRIFYING Inside Collapsed Tunnel!

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We’ve invested a lot of time and energy
delineating this tunnel, and I think
there’s great anticipation on everyone’s
part to try to—well, not only to put eyes
on it, but to see where it may lead.

From the exploration of several interesting
spots on the island that could lead to
the discovery of the treasure rumored to be
hidden somewhere on Oak Island,
to the battle with many of the
problems that they may come across while
searching for the treasure.

Here’s how a dive on Oak Island led to
the discovery of something terrifying.

While they were finding their way into
a collapsed tunnel, as the years go on,
there are some things that are just certain:
the sun will come up in the morning,
the government will be after your taxes
until the day that you die,
and someone will definitely be looking
for treasure on the mysterious spot
that is Oak Island.

For more than 229 years,
these people have been searching for the
treasure rumored to be hidden by someone
somewhere on the island, only to
slink away with nothing to show for it.
Be it a normal guy who just happened
to find their way to the island after
hearing about the treasure,
or if it is some famous person
seeking the thrill of going treasure hunting
on this Treasure Island,
they all search for this treasure to no avail.

Maybe it is because no one actually
even knew who buried this treasure.
It all began in 1795, when a kid
who went by the name of Daniel McGinnis
suddenly came across this circular
depression while making his way around the island,
driven by the rumor of treasure
hidden somewhere on the island.

Daniel thought it may be a great idea
to get some of his friends to join in
on this treasure-hunting expedition.
At first, it all seemed great;
as the guys had dug 10 or so feet
into the ground, they began to find
encouraging signs that they may actually
be on the right path.

This was due to the presence of clues like
oak logs, coal, and coconut fiber.
This told them that this circular depression
was definitely a man-made one.

“I can’t say we found the flood tunnel itself,
but what I see and hear is a lot of water
rushing in, and it appears to be rushing
in from the uphole side—in other words,
from the landward side.
This to me is very impressive, and
as such, there must be something
at the bottom of this massive pit.”

Unfortunately, the guys didn’t have
the resources to keep on digging,
despite going more than 30 ft or so
into the ground. As the boys
slinked away in defeat from what would
be known as the original Money Pit,
they’d find that this didn’t deter
others from taking on the treasure-hunting
challenge in the subsequent years to come.

Maybe this was because nobody could tell
who put the treasure there to begin with.
Over the years, there have been many theories
and speculations as to who may have
buried this treasure on the island,
whether it was Queen Marie Antoinette
or Captain Kidd who buried the treasure,
or whether it was a large group or civilization,
such as representatives of the Knights Templar
or the ancient Roman Empire.
Nobody truly knows.

All we’re certain about is that we may
never know until the treasure is eventually
discovered by the current treasure-hunting team
on the island, the Lagina brothers,
and the Curse of Oak Island TV crew.

As you can tell, The Curse of Oak Island TV crew
has helped build a fascination with the
treasure-hunting endeavor of these brothers
and their hardworking crew.

One would find that although they are indeed
looking for this treasure on the island,
they are also hoping to learn the answers
to some of the many secrets
that the island is hiding from us all.

That is why the team seems to be quite excited
about a recent significant discovery
that they had made in the course
of searching for the treasure on the mysterious island.
This came in the form of a collapsed tunnel
that may be a lead to a potentially new spot
that could lead to the discovery of the treasure
that they’ve been looking for for more than 200 years.

This reminds us of the Garden Shaft,
one of the areas of interest
in the search for treasure on Oak Island.
This Garden Shaft is located close to the site
of the original Money Pit that we mentioned earlier,
and as such, it seemed to be a key point
in the search for treasure on the island.

Apparently, this shaft was dated back
to the 18th century,
and as such, it is believed that it was
the burial site of some of the many secrets of Oak Island.

So the hope is that once we get down 50, 60 ft,
we’ll be able to drill horizontally—vertically.
Yep, understandably, one can see how
this is no ordinary shaft. No, it seemed
to be a gateway to the past for those looking
for answers to the secrets of Oak Island
and the treasure that is hidden somewhere on it.

Consequently, it was of utmost importance
that the team carried out the renovation
of this shaft as best as possible.
After all, it was crucial for them
to find a mysterious tunnel that they’d be able
to explore as they searched for the hidden treasure
that was rumored to be hidden there.

Who knows? Maybe the tunnel could even be
a direct link to what the early settlers
of Oak Island were up to back then.
They had to make sure that they explored
whatever tunnel or chamber that may be down there.
It could be the key to their treasure-hunting mission
on Oak Island.

It would be such a gratifying moment for everyone
who had dedicated the last 11 or so years
to the search for treasure on Oak Island.
Thanks to their good work, the team found
that the tunnel that may be down there
seemed to move in the direction from east to west.

This seemed to cut through a spot known as The Blob area.
This was of great interest to the team
because this was a spot that seemed to have
a high concentration of precious metals
such as silver and gold within it.

Understandably, one can see how the team
was eager to get down there,
but they couldn’t ignore how difficult it was
due to the difficulties faced in renovating
the Garden Shaft.

The hope is that when we go down in the shaft,
our senses will be more attuned to the possibilities
of what the shaft represents in terms of
furthering our understanding in The Money Pit.
This is mostly because it was located in an area
that was notorious for its flooding problems.

Then again, the entire island seemed
to have a flooding problem.
One would find that many of the treasure-hunting
adventurers who made their way to the island
found that their endeavors were foiled
due to the fact that their tunnels
were getting flooded after they got to
a certain depth in the ground.

Well, the team had to find a way to get past
this flooding that they had encountered
while they were trying to get down
the Garden Shaft.

As such, the team began to worry
that they would not be able to continue
with their exploration of the shaft
because of how unsafe it was.

In order to make some progress
with the renovation of the Garden Shaft,
the team decided to make use of a rapidly
setting substance known as urethane.

This was used to seal off any spots
that could allow for the infiltration
of the floodwater. Thankfully, this allowed
the team to ensure the integrity of the shaft
while also allowing them to continue
with their work down there.

Consequently, one can see how this solution
has allowed the team to perform the renovation
of the Garden Shaft in a precise and
methodical manner. As time went on,
the team was able to extend the depth
of their newly renovated shaft down to about 87 ft.

That said, this still fell short of the 100 ft target
that they had set for themselves.
Understandably, this was probably because
they were trying to get to that vertical tunnel
that they believed was somewhere underneath
the Garden Shaft.

If they could get to the tunnel,
maybe they could get to the Baby Blob area
so that they could see if they could find
that high concentration of precious metal
that is hiding down there.

As such, one can see why they would be so meticulous
in their approach to the excavation process.
This meant that they had to be coordinated
in their approach to this excavation
with the use of specialized machines and equipment
so that they could carry out some
strategic drilling exercises that would
allow them to create a more detailed map
of the area.

With the creation of this map,
one can see how the more detailed the map is,
the more the team would have a clear target
to look out for while they were searching
for this deposit of gold and silver.

As they got deeper, it became clear
that the team was definitely aiming
to breach a spot that isn’t just
a physical structure.

It soon became clear that they were searching
for a piece of the puzzle that may prove
to be important in the search for the treasure

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