The Curse of Oak ISland

Oak Island Has Been FOUND! There Won’t Be Season 12!

Oak Island Has Been FOUND! There Won't Be Season 12!

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The reservation team consisting of Rick and Marty
has discovered a treasure on Oak Island.
After months of searching and drilling,
they have made progress in their search,
but they are still unsure if they will be able
to locate the structure and break through it
to find out what it might contain.

As the last day of the situation approaches,
they must gather their belongings and head out.
In this video, we will talk about what has just
been found by researchers that shows
there will be no season 12.

Despite their efforts, they have not been able
to find the treasure they were looking for.
They are excited to find it at the bottom of
the garden hole, but they are unable to
explore deeper levels of the shaft.

Gary interrupts them while they are preparing
to pull down the board and extend the shaft,
causing frustration. They realize that they
will need to wait until the following season
to continue their mission.

The primary investigator, Chuck, notes
the distance from the surface of the treasure,
which is a significant obstacle.
They express gratitude to their team members,
especially their nephew Peter and friend David,
for their adventure and are determined
to conduct additional research.

After drilling for approximately 3 hours,
they reached a depth of approximately 93 ft
and believe they have found the treasure.
The most pressing questions they face are
whether they will be able to locate the structure
and study what it might contain.

They decide to disassemble the components
and conduct further research today,
at least before the sun sets.
They also place everything in a container
and review the situation to determine
what is visible.

The reservation team’s recent discovery
on Oak Island indicates that the curse
on the island may not be revealed in the future.
The team’s determination to find the treasure
and uncover its secrets is evident
in their pursuit of the treasure.

The team was determined to find the piece of wood
buried at the bottom of the garden shaft
and determine its purpose.
They were surprised to find that they had hit wood
on the northern side of the board.

After drawing a blank, they recommended
using the tunnel’s line from the side to project the line,
but due to their lack of a bottom-up examination,
they couldn’t determine the precise location.

After a long time, they decided to use
metal detecting equipment to investigate the cavity
and find the real treasure.
The landscape seemed to have been sculpted
during the Middle Ages, and they had a suspicion
that it contained modern nails and wire.

They were fortunate to have the CTX3030,
which allowed them to make this discovery
and included bells and sirens associated
with distinctive traits.

However, they couldn’t provide a definitive answer
to whether the treasure was gold, silver, or copper.
It is unlikely that they found signs
of the legendary riches hidden
in Oak Island’s murky soil at the bottom
of the garden shaft, which is only
a few feet below the surface.

There is also the possibility that signals
are being transmitted through a tube
that extends in a westerly direction
towards the baby blob and is located
roughly 10 ft below the surface.

One possibility is that Dumis doesn’t possess
the necessary legal license to extend the shaft
further, making the situation both bittersweet
and heartbreaking.

They cannot put their team’s safety
or the continuation of the project
in jeopardy by trying to break through
the bottom of the shaft to investigate
unstable terrain below.

The level of elation described
when they talk about a non-ferrous strike,
on the other hand, is a source of joy
because it exposes the existence of a metal
that is not ferrous—something
that did not exist before.

The team’s pursuit of the treasure
is both exciting and challenging
due to their lack of legal authorization
to expand the shaft further.

The incident occurred due to the inability
to extend a shaft at this time of year,
which could be caused by the glacial
tumulus system and the sequence
of water-filled and hydrite holes
beneath Oak Island.

Oak Island is a place of immense significance,
as it is situated on top of a tumulus structure
formed by glaciers millions of years ago.
The formation of Oak Island can be broken down
into various types of limestone,
which have a high potential to dissolve
into water when found in an environment
that contains water, leading to the formation
of caves and other natural cavities.

In close proximity to the excavation pit,
there is a possibility that bedrock can be found
at depths ranging from 38 to 45 m,
equivalent to 125 to 148 ft.

Since the 18th century, people have been actively
searching for riches and relics on the island,
with hypotheses such as the Holy Grail,
manuscripts authored by Shakespeare,
pirate treasures, and the Ark of the Covenant.

Rick and Marty, a team of researchers,
journey around the island in search
of the legendary treasure that is rumored
to be located on Oak Island.

They have dug to depths equivalent
to the depth of the tunnel and have not been
successful in locating the structure;
however, they come across a target
that has the potential to be of great value.

While examining the shallows, Gary discovers
a head that is not made of iron through the roof,
which causes them to lose their train of thought.

The crew realizes that they will have to wait
until the following season to continue their hunt.
Chuck is informed that the treasure is situated
at a substantial distance from the surface
of the combat room.

Despite encountering challenges,
the hosts are excited about what is to come
and are thankful to their community for their support.

The Lina brothers and the government
are the two entities most likely to benefit
from the money, but they cannot independently
assert their entitlement to the potential benefits.

The only valid option to determine
whether or not a similar situation will ever occur
in The Curse of Oak Island is the passage of time.

The research team discusses their findings
and observations, demonstrating gratitude
to the community for their unrelenting support
and stating that they are getting closer
to finding the ultimate solutions
that could possibly break the curse.

This is it for today.
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