Alaskan Bush People

‘Alaskan Bush People’ Fans Concerned For Bear Brown & Family

‘Alaskan Bush People’ Fans Concerned For Bear Brown & Family

Bear Brown is down in Texas with his wife Raiven as she is pregnant with their third child. The reason for the move to Texas is that Raiven is a high-risk pregnancy and they needed to get close to a good hospital with an NICU, which is rare where they live in Washington. However, Texas has a few other downfalls.

Bear posted a recent video and has fans worried about him and his immediate family down in Texas.

Bear Brown Posts Video About Scary Moments

During her last pregnancy, Raiven Brown spent most of her time in Texas alone with her son River. Bear finally showed up in December and was there until she gave birth to Cove in January before leaving again. This means that Bear has only been in Texas during winter months. However, he is now there during the storm season.


Bear Brown from Alaskan Bush People / IG

Bear posted a video about the recent storms that have swept through Texas, where they are staying right now, and how scary it has been. There have been some massive thunderstorms in Texas, which resulted in something Bear is not used to – lightning. Bear said that where he lived in Alaska is so high altitude-wise that the lightning doesn’t form there. It does lightning a lot in Alaska – but only in interior Alaska and not where Bear lived. However, he has seen the lightning and thunder accompanying the flooding rains where he and Raiven are staying.

On top of that, Bear said a tornado hit close to where they live. Bear also mentioned hurricane warnings, although he might be confused about that. This week saw flood warnings, up to golfball size hail, and the pouring rain. The tornado that Bear mentioned likely was the one that hit Katy, Texas, and damaged several homes.

Bear was walking down the street talking about the storms and tornados, saying they were in a flood warning at that moment.

Alaskan Bush People Fans Worried About Bear’s Family

Fans swept into the Instagram comments to both send their well wishes and let Bear know they were thinking about his family. There were also trolls, but in this case, it was mostly people sending out good thoughts.

“Oh my! That Texas weather! Y’all be careful!”
“Be Safe Take Care of Your Family Please keep us posted.”
“Please be safe and btw that’s Texas for you please come back as soon as your cuteness in life is born”
The good news is that Raiven Brown’s pregnancy seems to be going well. At this time when she was pregnant with Cove, she was bedridden and remained that way until he was born. This time, it seems like things are going much better this time around.

What are your thoughts about Bear Brown’s reaction to the Texas storms? Are you hoping to see a new Alaskan Bush People season with moments from Raiven’s pregnancy? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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