
Chrisley Knows Best: Todd Chrisley Was Given The Wrong Medication in Prison! Is He Fine?

Chrisley Knows Best: Todd Chrisley Was Given The Wrong Medication in Prison! Is He Fine?

chrisley knows best

Chrisley Knows Best star Savannah has been trying her best to bring to light the horrifying conditions in which Todd and Julie have been living in the prison. They are currently serving their 19 years of imprisonment and are making efforts to get out of the place as soon as possible.

But Todd and Julie’s efforts have been in vain till now. It now seems that the situation is getting worse day by day. Recently, viewers were in shock when a source revealed that Todd was given some wrong medication in his prison. Is he fine? What happened to him?

Chrisley Knows Best: Todd Underwent A Scary Medical Mishap! What Happened To Him?

Todd has exposed his living conditions via his attorney general and daughter Savannah as well. They have been acting as the voice of the former, and Chrisley Knows Best fans are still in disbelief. Earlier, they talked about how the conditions aren’t appropriate for humans.

Recently, Todd’s attorney, Jay Surgent, revealed to RadarOnline that the star had been a witness to the ” cruel, broken, and inhumane system” of the prison he is living in. He talked about how FPC Pensacola in Florida allegedly ended up giving the wrong medication to its inmates.

Jay stated, “The medical department is in shambles.” He accused the authorities of giving “wrong” medication to Todd that was actually for another inmate. But he isn’t the only one who faced this kind of negligence by the said department of the prison.


As per Todd’s Attorney, the medical department ended up “inadvertently” giving a prisoner insulin, because of which they became “unconscious.” Hence, they soon had to rush to the hospital. Jay claimed that this incident allegedly took place around three weeks ago.

The source explained that these instances, accompanied by “mix-ups and mistakes,” make it clear that the conditions have ended up becoming “terrible” now. Hence, the Chrisley Knows Best cast member is looking for all these loopholes and trying to bring all of them into the limelight.

Chrisley Knows Best: Todd Exposes The Deteriorating Living Prison Conditions

Savannah has talked about the torture that her father has been facing in prison these days. She even wrote letters to the concerned authorities and is bringing the matter to the headlines.

Amid all this, Jay Surgent also made some shocking revelations about the “dangerous” temperature and living conditions of Todd from Chrisley Knows Best. Jay revealed that this time, the “heat index” in Florida was over 100 degrees.


Hence, a “black flag warning” was issued, which allegedly wasn’t followed by the prison authorities. As per Surgent, inmates who were doing the work of “mowing, weeding, and general landscaping” were out for their duties even after the warning.

Surgent explained that despite “unsafe and truly dangerous” working conditions, the inmates were on their duties. Not only this, but not a single inmate has received their “GED” in the last three years. Hence, Todd believes that the prison isn’t preparing people for life after their imprisonment. Keep coming back to TV Season & Spoilers for all the latest Chrisley Knows Best tea.

Scary secret about tax evasion case: Hand Letter Found On Nanny Faye Nightstand Reveals Todd’s Unbearable Secret

Recently, a handwritten letter discovered on Nanny Faye’s nightstand has revealed some startling information about Todd Chrisley’s tax evasion case. The letter indicated that Nanny Faye admitted to signing financial documents without understanding their content. These documents were related to “7C’s Productions,” a company through which the Chrisley family was paid for their reality TV program. Nanny Faye’s admission suggested she was unaware of the implications of these documents, raising questions about the family’s financial dealings and Todd’s involvement​

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This morning prosecutors say the wealth on display during the reality show “Chrisley Knows Best” was a lie. “In a year we probably spend three hundred thousand, sometimes more. Just don’t close. I believe we get all the way up there,” Todd Chrisley said.

“And this one right here leaves her concocted a lot of schemes in my day of getting back at people, but this one right here, it’s the crown.”

Hello everyone and welcome back to our channel. Today, we’re going to talk about Nanny Faye and her testimony in her son and daughter-in-law’s case, so stay tuned.

Elizabeth Chrisley, known as Nanny Faye by viewers of the reality TV show about her family, admitted to the jury in the case against her son and daughter-in-law that she hadn’t read the documents before signing them.

She responded that she may have signed them but had no idea what they meant when she was presented with a long list of financial documents saying she was an owner of the Seven Seas Productions Company, a loan-out from the business where the family was paid for their reality TV program.

Are you curious to know all the details about Nanny Faye and Todd Chrisley? Then make sure to watch the video till the end to learn everything. Also, remember to subscribe to our channel so that you can watch more of these videos regularly.

In the fraud trial of her son and daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Chrisley, also known as Nanny Faye, admitted to the jury that it was customary for her to sign documents without reading them.

As a result, when given a list of financial documents claiming she was a proprietor of the Seven Seas Productions Company, a loaned-out business through which the family received payment for their reality TV show, she claimed she may have signed them, still she had no knowledge of their contents.

In court, Faye Chrisley admitted, “I didn’t even read any of it.”

Todd Chrisley and his wife Julie, who appear in the USA Network reality series “Chrisley Knows Best,” have been charged with tax evasion and running a scheme to deceive banks by making it look like they were wealthier than they actually were. This accusation comes from federal prosecutors.

In August 2019, Todd and Julie were charged with 12 charges of bank and wire fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy. The defense team called on Todd Chrisley’s mother, Elizabeth “Nanny Faye” Chrisley, to testify on Wednesday about what she knew about her son’s deception.

Elizabeth, 78, claimed that she simply signs most of the documents that are given to her without reading them. The financial records that the prosecution gave Elizabeth showed that she was the owner of the Seven Seas Production firm, a lending company paying the family for their reality show according to the documents.

When the banks discovered their scheme, according to the prosecution, the Chrisleys filed for bankruptcy and walked away from a $20 million debt. According to the prosecutors, the couple later hid money from the IRS. According to the prosecution, Julie Chrisley gave Faye Chrisley control of the Seven Seas Productions business to carry out the plot to mislead the IRS.

She was identified as the company’s president, a shareholder, and a board member in documents forwarded to several organizations. However, Faye Chrisley recently testified that she only knew she was a signer on the company’s bank account because she wanted to be able to execute checks when the entire family traveled to Los Angeles to record an episode of the spin-off reality series “Growing Up Chrisley.”

The prosecution produced a number of documents, some of which included her signature, and claimed she was the actual owner of the business. Todd Chrisley described her as a 75% owner of the business in an email he sent to a lender at a car dealership.

Faye Chrisley reportedly said to Assistant U.S. Attorney Annalise Peters, “Honey, I have never been associated with anything other than being a signer. Never have I owned it. I do not desire it.”

According to Nanny Faye, her job is to “enjoy my best life” on the show.

Federal Judge Eleanor Ross interjected Faye Chrisley’s testimony at one point and asked her to stop calling Peters “honey” in a professional courtroom. “I’m used to it now, I was completely unaware,” Faye smiled as she spoke.

Ross continued, “Not in this courtroom, no.”

Chrisley, a native of South Carolina, said in court that she worked in the textile industry for 40 years. Todd Chrisley, her late husband, had a job at the factory. However, she claimed that Todd finally left that field of work when he began house flipping, achieved success in the industry, and relocated to Atlanta.

Years down the line, in 2013, his family was handed “Chrisley Knows Best,” a reality show in which she also made an appearance. She claimed that her task in the program was to “live my best life.”

Additionally, according to the prosecution, the Chrisleys began redirecting their revenue from the program to Todd’s mom’s bank account once the IRS began looking into them for possible fraud. Nanny Faye is reportedly mentioned on official paperwork as the company’s president, shareholder, and board member. The documents also include her signature.

Elizabeth claims she provided her son and daughter-in-law permission to her account as they were going through a difficult time. In relation to that, the South Carolina native claimed that following Mark Braddock’s theft from them, her son was dealing with a lot.

Nanny Faye claimed any knowledge of the application forms Todd and Julie submitted in her name for funding a Bentley when they were shown to her. “I’m getting up there in years and I’ve had a lot of experiences, I therefore can’t recall certain details.”

Todd and Julie have opted not to speak on their own behalf while vigorously disputing every accusation made against them. When the couple was going through a hard time financially due to Mark Braddock stealing from them, Faye Chrisley testified that she provided them access to her account.

“Years before when Mark pulled all of the cash out of their bank in 2012,” she claimed, “I granted them access to my account and all the money in it. They are able to use it if it is still open.”

Faye Chrisley asserted she had no recollection of the Bentley financing application that Peters had shown her, one that Todd and Julie Chrisley had submitted in her name. That, she claimed, doesn’t preclude the possibility that she once received information about it. The 77-year-old stated, “I’ve got a lot of age on me and a lot of water under the bridge. I can’t recall certain details.”

As a result, the pair were reported to the FBI for fraud by Chrisley’s former partner, Braddock. Mark, Todd’s previous partner who is accused of stealing from the reality star, received immunity in exchange for his testimony.

Mark can acknowledge defrauding a bank on Todd’s behalf in order to obtain more funds. He continued by saying that his involvement with the “Chrisley Knows Best” actor was the only reason he consented to carry out the fraud.

“I was involved in providing him with what he needed. We had a close personal relationship,” he continued. “I would complete any task he needed to complete.”

After accusing Mark Braddock of stealing money from his family, Todd Chrisley dismissed him in 2012. He acknowledged defrauding banks but claimed that they had ordered him to do it and that he had done it because he was still in love with Todd after a year-long affair. The Chrisleys dispute this and claim he is an ex-employee who became obsessed with retaliation after being let go from their organization.

As if things weren’t bad enough already, Todd recently disclosed that Nanny Faye, his mother, has cancer.

What is known about her tragic diagnosis is listed below. Todd opened up about Nanny Faye’s diagnosis of cancer in the “Chrisley Confessions” episode on June 16 with Todd and Julie.

He explained, “My mother was detected with bladder cancer and she is currently receiving therapy. We’ve been coping with this treatment on a weekly basis since the late fall of 2021.”

Faye has been struggling with this and requested that no one else know. Nevertheless, despite the family’s utmost efforts to keep the diagnosis a secret, it was revealed during the trial.

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