Alaskan Bush People

Matt Brown Steps Up To Help Bedridden Friend In Hospital

Matt Brown Steps Up To Help Bedridden Friend In Hospital

Matt Brown - YouTube

Matt Brown has just shy of 250K followers on his Instagram, and he generously shared a post about a friend who is bedridden in hospital. Alaskan Bush People fans who follow him are not surprised that he would help someone else. As those who follow his recovery videos know, he seems like a caring and gentle person.

ABP Matt Brown Helps Other People Often

Discovery Channel fans see that these days, Ami Brown’s son who fights his addiction issues also helps other people. In the comments of his many posts, a lot of followers claim that he motivates them to stay sober. Or, they stay motivated in other areas of their lives. Often, he’s described as an inspiration. Ironically, some fans think that the outsider of the family seems way more selfless than his siblings who seem to be estranged from him.

Inspirational Matt Brown - Instagram

Matt Brown clashed with his dad before Billy Brown passed away, so he has deep emotional feelings about that. However, he has a friend named Michael who he hangs out with. Also, he has many friendly people who support him on social media. Sadly, one of his other friends fell ill suddenly, and the former Alaskan Bush People star is doing what he can to help out.

Alaskan Bush People Alum Shares About His Bedridden Friend

ABP fans saw that his latest Instagram post wasn’t about his own recovery. Instead, it was about a friend named Alex. The former Discovery Channel star wrote a long explanation about what happened and why he wants to help Alex and his wife, Brenda:

I want to share this with y’all guys, our friend Alex is in the hospital recovering from surgery. he had a brain bleed, the doctors got it stoped (sic) though we’re waiting for him to wake up. I’m sharing his go fund me today to try and help raise money to help his wife Brenda be able to be with him while he’s recovering. the money is so she can pay to travel between the hospital and work, and be able to stay in a hotel close to him.

Matt Brown - Instagram

Matt Brown also shared the GoFundMe link on his Bio and you can visit it here. The fund which was started by Brenda on December 27 received 29 donations so far, and it looks like Matt Brown’s efforts helped as five people donated since he released his appeal. So far, the fund reached $1,040 raised of a $5,000 target.

In the meantime, his ABP fans responded in the Instagram comments.

You have a beautiful soul @mattbrown511 ❤️
Prayers for both of you… I wish I could help only can pray 🙏 that he has a speedy recovery and Brenda gets to be by his side. 🙏💕✌️💚
Sending prayers for Alex’s healing and recovery ❤️‍🩹 May God protect and provide for him and Brenda.
What did you think of Matt Brown generously helping out his friend Alex and his wife Brenda during this worrying time? Do you agree that he’s a big-hearted and very special person? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here for all your Alaskan Bush People news.

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