The Curse of Oak ISland

NEW Oak Island Season Leaked And Shows The Treasure Has Been Found!

NEW Oak Island Season Leaked And Shows The Treasure Has Been Found!

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From Season 1 to Season 11 of The Curse of Oak Island, treasure-hunting brothers Rick and Marty Lagina have found several artifacts that could be considered “treasure.” This includes everything except the actual 200-year-old treasure rumored to be buried somewhere on the island.

But in their new season, the brothers have finally struck gold. Here, we reveal the details of the new discovery found on Oak Island by the Lagina brothers. In the new episode, the Lagina brothers and their team are still on the hunt for the treasure.

They’ve been working hard for 11 seasons, following clues and leads to try and find the treasure that many explorers have searched for unsuccessfully. This new episode starts with the team finding a shiny object that resembles gold.

Coming across this object is an indication that they’re getting closer to the treasure. They found this lead by draining some swamps, which they hoped would get them nearer to the treasure. Although they weren’t sure of the validity of that method, they’ve made many other discoveries that are all important clues.

Every clue and action they take is very important because many explorers over the past 200 years have found things that might be connected to the treasure. The first discovery found was a large stone inscribed with mysterious symbols, bones and skeletons of people who also searched for the treasure but didn’t make it, and a lead cross.

In one of their recent adventures, the Lagina brothers and their team found a strange structure at one of their favorite search spots. The team was very excited about the discovery because they hadn’t made any big progress for a while.

To understand this new find, they enlisted the help of Dr. Ian Spooner, a geologist who knows a lot about rocks, especially the ones found in the swamp. After studying the swamp, Dr. Spooner concluded that it wasn’t natural and that it was built by some people a long time ago.

This information from Dr. Spooner would help the Lagina brothers, who were very interested in finding secrets or clues that would lead them to the treasure, decide on how to investigate the area and the next step to take.

As the team continued to explore the swamp, they found an interesting part of Oak Island called Nolan’s Cross, a discovery made by an explorer before the Lagina brothers called Fred Nolan. It is an arrangement of six large boulders that form a cross, and it is believed to be a marker pointing to the location of the Money Pit.

The Lagina brothers discovered some blue clay there, which was surprising because they had found blue clay before when they dug deep into the Money Pit. This made them think there must be a connection between the two places.

The team decided to drain the swamp to explore it further. But it wasn’t easy. After draining the swamp, they were left with a big mess of mud, sticks, and muck. This made it hard for them to make progress for a while.

It seemed like the island and nature were trying to stop them from finding the treasure. After a month of trying, the team finally found a big stone area in the drained swamp.

They asked Doctor Spooner to take a look, and he thought the stone was made by people a long time ago. This discovery made the team even more determined to uncover the secrets of the island and find the treasure.

On reaching the center of the swamp, they found some boulders within it. This made them wonder if these boulders were connected to the stones they found earlier. They called in Dr. Spooner to take a closer look again, but he couldn’t say for sure.

He had seen similar boulders before, but these ones were different because they had soil stuck to them. This new clue made them focus on the sediment in the area, which might have built up over 8,000 years.

As they kept exploring, they found some filled-in cellars that looked like stones they found earlier, which was really strange. The team was surprised that there was no compost layer around the cellars, which would have shown if there had been any natural disasters in the past.

Dr. Spooner thought that people might have put the cellars there on purpose. With all these clues, the Lagina brothers were more determined to figure out what was going on in the swamp. They decided to dig deeper to see what else they could find.

Meanwhile, during this exploration, the team is also facing issues with the government regarding their steel cofferdam at Smith Cove on Oak Island. This cofferdam was an essential construction for the team in their investigation, but there was a problem.

The government permit for the cofferdam erection has expired. As a result, the team had to remove the cofferdam quickly to avoid breaking any laws and not destroying the environment. They had to act fast, so they started right away.

They used big cranes and heavy equipment to accelerate the pace of their work. During the operation, the team found a hole in the uplands that suddenly filled up with water. This was exciting to them because they believed it might be a tunnel leading to the treasure.

They had to pause their excavation work since they realized they had to remove the cofferdam carefully to avoid harming the environment. Despite the challenges and time pressure, the Lagina brothers and their team were determined to find the treasure.

They had come too far to give up now. They would do whatever it takes to find the mysterious treasure of Oak Island. Most of the discoveries they made during this season were theorized to be connected to the Knights Templar, a Christian group that was formed in the 12th century during the Crusades.

The Knights Templar were created to protect Christian travelers going to the Holy Land, especially in Jerusalem. The Catholic Church officially recognized the group in 1129. The Templars became very wealthy and powerful thanks to gifts from European nobles and their own business ventures, like banking and land management.

They became one of the strongest and most effective military forces in the Crusader states. However, their wealth and power also made people jealous and suspicious. King Philip IV of France, who owed a lot to the Templars, started plotting against them in the early 14th century.

He ordered the arrest of many Templars in France in 1307 on charges of heresy and other crimes. Other European countries did the same. Many Templars confessed under torture, but historians question whether these confessions were true.

In 1312, Pope Clement V disbanded the Templars at King Philip’s request. Some Templars were executed, while many others were imprisoned. It’s suggested that it’s possible that the Templars hid their vast riches on Oak Island, which has led to the treasure hunt that’s gone on for centuries.

For the Lagina brothers, their adventure on Oak Island began in 1965 when a teenage Rick Lagina came across an article in Reader’s Digest magazine that sparked his interest in the legendary Oak Island treasure. He immediately shared his newfound obsession with his younger brother, Marty, and this marked the beginning of a lifelong adventure.

Their unwavering dedication to uncovering the island mystery led to them pooling their resources to buy a controlling interest in Oak Island Tours, which owns most of the place, in 2006. Since then, they have dedicated a significant amount of their time, energy, and money to finding the secret of the legendary “Money Pit.”

Rick Lagina, a retired postal worker, embodies the unrelenting spirit of the Oak Island expedition. His infectious enthusiasm and insatiable curiosity have driven the expedition from the start, inspiring the team to persevere through countless challenges and setbacks.

Rick’s unshakeable conviction in the existence of a vast treasure has motivated the crew to keep pushing forward. Marty Lagina, a successful vineyard owner from Traverse City, Michigan, on the other hand, brings a business-savvy approach to the expedition.

His financial expertise and resources have been instrumental in keeping the search alive over the years. With his practical attitude and shrewd decision-making, the team has gained access to cutting-edge tools and technology, enabling them to tackle the island’s mysteries with unprecedented precision and efficiency.

Marty was also interested in Oak Island but was more skeptical than his older brother. However, Marty wanted his brother to achieve his lifetime goal, so he put up the majority of the money to purchase the stake in Oak Island Tours Inc.

The Laginas brothers brought their exploration to TV by starting a show titled The Curse of the Oak Island on the History Channel. Speaking of the Curse of Oak Island, there were rumors of a curse on Oak Island. Legend has it that seven people would have to die before the treasure could be found.

Although this spooky story was likely linked to the real dangers of digging deep holes, it only added to the appeal of the island, given the fact that six people have infamously met their deaths there. While the Lagina brothers are the faces of the Oak Island operation, they couldn’t have done it without the contributions of Dan and Dave Blankenship.

These two men have dedicated their lives to solving the Oak Island mystery. Dan Blankenship, an Oak Island legend, first arrived on the island in the 1960s, inspired by the same Reader’s Digest article that sparked the Laginas’ interest.

He spent almost 50 years searching for treasure, drilling the famous borehole 10-X and even diving to the bottom of it—an incredible feat considering the 235-foot depth. Although Dan passed away in 2019 at 95, his vast knowledge and unwavering spirit continue to guide the team.

Dave Blankenship’s son, Dan, is a permanent resident of Oak Island and has followed in his father’s footsteps. Dave’s firsthand knowledge of the island’s terrain has been invaluable to the current expedition. Despite being partially


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