The Curse of Oak ISland

Oak Island Insider: “This Is What’s Really Happening On Oak Island”

Oak Island Insider: "This Is What's Really Happening On Oak Island"

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I think the most significant thing to us is probably the Money Pit.

Yeah, so let’s get to it.

The Lagina brothers and their team on Oak Island are on a fascinating quest to uncover the mysteries hidden beneath the island’s soil.

With centuries of stories, clues, and rumors swirling around, they are driven by the question of what lies beneath: riches lost, history, or something even more significant?

Recently, Gary Drayton found surprising clues indicating a path linking the swamp and The Money Pit, suggesting that this path was used to move treasure between the two locations.

Meanwhile, archaeologists David McGinnis, Aaron Taylor, and Liz Michaels are investigating a mysterious structure on Lot 15, while metal detection expert Gary Drayton and Jack Begley are searching nearby for evidence connected to the recent discovery of an ancient Chinese coin.

As Gary and Jack move away from the archaeologists, they unintentionally find themselves closer to the swamp and an area likely traveled by those working between The Money Pit and the swamp in the past.

Gary detects a signal from his metal detector indicating the presence of a large piece of iron buried about 8 inches deep.

Upon digging, they confirm their suspicions with the discovery of iron residues and another smaller piece speculated to be an axle.

Their discoveries of ox shoes in an area with little disturbance suggest the existence of an old track.

“Ox shoe? Yes, yes, that’s a winter shoe. It’s for the outside claw left front foot, a winter shoe.”

“What do you mean by winter shoe?”

“They’re fairly sharp here for the ice, hard-packed snow. If it was for a summer shoe, it would be much thicker and wider, and more robust for the rocks and the ground.”

This aligns with the systematic effort to transport goods or materials from one place to another, as evidenced by the findings along the track and the stone-paved field feature unearthed in the swamp.

As they continue their search, the detector signals again, indicating something significant buried in the ground.

Although initially uncertain about the discovery resembling a pin, Gary suspects it may be part of horse and ox harnesses, suggesting there may be more to uncover.

With each discovery, the team edges closer to unraveling the mysteries of Oak Island and uncovering its hidden treasures and history.

The Oak Island team’s recent discoveries of ox shoes and a stone pathway are shedding new light on the island’s history and the activities that took place there in the past.

While ox shoes may seem mundane on their own, finding them in the proper context along with other items like the stone pathway can completely change their significance and provide insights into past activities.

The team believes they are uncovering evidence of an oxen trail that connects the paved area inside the swamp to The Money Pit.

Finding tools and signs of activity along this route would strongly suggest that some kind of operation or activity occurred there in the past.

“It’s exciting, as it just shows how much opportunity is still here. I do want to say thanks to Rick and the team that put this together because I do think this is very helpful. I think we covered a hell of a lot of ground, and I thank everybody for their input.”

It’s speculated that before formal roads or trails were established, people may have created makeshift paths to navigate through the terrain, possibly forcing their oxen through.

As excavation continues, the team comes across a stone pathway and a piece of charcoal potentially linked to evidence of a sunken ship.

These discoveries mark yet another thrilling morning on Oak Island for Rick and Marty Lagina and their team, who are continuing to uncover remarkable findings in their quest for the legendary treasure.

With massive stone pathways unearthed in the swamp, one of which may lead directly to the original Money Pit treasure shaft, the team enlists the help of archaeologist Dr. Aaron Taylor to carefully examine the area and document any findings.

“My opinion on what it is right now? I’d say it’s a road leading up to the uplands, and then we have sort of a rubbly pathway all the way down to here.”

Aaron’s initial interpretation suggests that the stone pathways may have served as routes for transportation or movement across the landscape, possibly leading to an upland area.

Aaron speculates that the road they are uncovering may have extended all the way down to a small harbor nearby, indicating significant effort and labor to build.

The presence of pieces of wood suggests the possibility of cribbing underneath, which could explain what is keeping the stones in place.

As excavation continues, the discovery of a support structure confirms their suspicions about reinforcement beneath the surface.

These discoveries are remarkable and unprecedented for the Oak Island team, providing valuable insights into the island’s history and the infrastructure that once existed there.

Each finding brings them closer to unraveling the mysteries of Oak Island and the legendary treasure they seek.

Rick’s discovery of another layer of stones and wood cribbing in the swamp raises fascinating questions about the swamp’s construction and the presence of structures below its surface.

The careful building process suggested by the presence of multiple layers hints at deeper secrets waiting to be uncovered.

The deliberate cutting of the structure, especially considering its alignment under the prominent Bigstone, presents a compelling mystery that the team plans to investigate further by extracting a sample for thorough testing.

Through detailed analysis, they aim to uncover insights into its composition, potential purpose, and historical significance.

The discovery of a chunk of fairly large coal amidst their excavation efforts adds another layer of mystery.

The presence of accumulating pounds of coal in the area raises questions about its origin and significance within the context of the site’s history.

Since coal doesn’t float and is unlikely to have been carried in by water currents, its deliberate placement or historical significance is suggested.

Additionally, the discovery of charcoal on the stone pathway in the swamp adds to the mystery.

This finding suggests potential evidence of fire or burning activity in the area, aligning with the theory proposed by Fred Nolan.

According to Nolan’s theory, Oak Island was once two separate islands, and a treasure galleon may have sailed between them, unloading its cargo before being burned and sunk in a man-made swamp on Oak Island.

The discovery of charcoal potentially supports this theory.

Overall, the discoveries of wood cribbing, coal, and charcoal present interesting puzzles in the history of Oak Island, raising questions about the island’s past activities and the purpose of these materials in the context of the site’s history.

“We got down to 95 feet. We start just about to commence our horizontal drilling, which is one of the purposes, and we were flooded out. And not just flooded out; big-time flooded out.”

Further investigation and analysis will be necessary to unravel these clues and shed light on Oak Island’s mysterious past.

An investigation points to a handrail found in the Oak Island swamp.

This discovery adds to the mystery surrounding the swamp excavation, as its smooth and polished appearance suggests intentional human design rather than natural formation.

Positioned near the stone road believed to have been part of a ship’s wharf, this piece of wood potentially connects to maritime activities in the area and offers further evidence supporting the hypothesis that the swamp was once an open harbor.

As the team continues their excavation efforts, they encounter significant obstacles, including a large object obstructing further digging below the surface of the swamp.

This obstruction, composed of wood or another material, prevents them from reaching the sand at the bottom, deepening the mystery of Oak Island.

The discovery of this obstruction echoes findings from two years ago when a seismic scanning survey revealed a 200-ton anomaly resembling the shape of a massive sailing vessel in the same area.

Despite subsequent drilling efforts failing to confirm the object’s identity, recent discoveries in ongoing excavations suggest that the team may be getting closer to unraveling the mystery.

With the unearthing of significant artifacts, such as part of a possible ship’s railing and the discovery of obstructions hindering further excavation, the team’s progress hints at imminent breakthroughs.

These discoveries add to the complexity of the Oak Island mystery, leaving the team with more questions than answers, but also fueling their excitement and determination to uncover the truth buried beneath the island’s surface.

The carefully worked piece of wood discovered during the excavation adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting the presence of complex structures beneath Oak Island’s surface.

However, the team is encountering difficulties with digging properly, as the bucket is sliding along something that isn’t rocks, hindering their progress.

Despite these challenges, they believe that if they can get eyes down there, they will likely discover a lot more.

Gary Drayton recognizes the distinctive characteristics of the wood piece, affirming that it closely resembles a ship’s railing.

The square hole observed in the wood further indicates its age and authenticity, suggesting the presence of an old iron fastener.

The team’s excavation efforts in the swamp consistently yield discoveries, even at depths as deep as 10 feet above sea level.

However, they continue to face challenges as they encounter obstacles preventing them from reaching the bottom, obstructing their progress.

The team faces a frustrating setback as they are unable to see anything down the hole due to their inability to get close enough.

The surrounding area’s instability causes slumping, making it difficult to maintain stability for observation or further exploration.

Despite these challenges, Rick has long held the belief that the swamp holds answers, serving as the keeper of secrets on Oak Island.

Building upon their previous findings, including the discovery of the ship’s railing and other artifacts, the crew’s focus shifts to Lot 13 in their quest for answers regarding Oak Island’s historic past.

Accompanied by Peter Fernetti, Gary Drayton arrives at Lot 13 with a sense of anticipation, eager to search the area for any important or valuable clues that may shed light on Oak Island’s mysteries.

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