The Curse of Oak ISland

Rick Lagina: “Something TERRIBLE Happened At Smith’s Cove”

Rick Lagina: "Something TERRIBLE Happened At Smith's Cove"

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Just now, Rick Lagina revealed a horrific discovery at the Money Pit on Oak Island, turning all our expectations upside down. Alongside his partner, Scott Barlow, their quest for ancient treasures led them to a much more sinister revelation.

This alarming discovery has ignited a wave of panic, hinting at a gruesome, veiled past that blindsided everyone. What more lies hidden beneath the layers of Oak Island, particularly around Smith’s Cove? Tune in, as we explore these frightening secrets, and brace ourselves for what we might find lurking below.

The Oak Island Mystery
This discovery has not only grabbed everyone’s attention but also stirred up serious concerns among the team. It suggests a more complicated and possibly darker history than anyone had imagined. Could this object point to a hidden disaster from the past? We’re looking closer at what this might mean.

As we delved deeper, the air grew tense, the shadows in the room seeming to whisper of secrets long buried. On a bright and hopeful morning, Rick Lagina and his partner, Scott Barlow, headed to the Money Pit to start a new round of digging at the Garden Shaft. Their goal was clear: to find clues from the seventeen hundreds that might lead them to a lost treasure.

Just three weeks earlier, Rick, Scott, and their crew had managed to deepen the historic Garden Shaft to an impressive depth of one hundred feet. It was here they found what seemed to be a wooden tunnel from the sixteen hundreds. This was a big deal, not just because of how old it was, but also because it was connected to an area known as the Baby Blob.

Water tests done earlier in this area had shown traces of gold and silver deep underground. But this discovery left them with more questions than answers. When the team took a closer look at the tunnel, they noticed some sections were strangely missing. Parts of the walls and ceiling that should have been there were gone. This raised a big question: had someone deliberately removed these sections to cause a collapse and hide something valuable?

With the Garden Shaft now dug down to one hundred and six feet, the team was ready to begin a deeper drilling operation. Experts from Dumas Contracting Limited were brought in to lead this effort, with the goal of exploring the hidden parts of the tunnel in the hopes of finding any signs of the long-lost treasure.

Marty Lagina, always the skeptic, wondered why parts of the tunnel were missing. Was it possible someone had purposely taken them out to hide something valuable? The drilling wasn’t just about machines digging through the earth; it was a careful search for answers. Every ten feet, the team gathered samples to check their age and what they were made of.

Then, something unexpected happened. Water started rushing into the shaft through the holes made near the ninety-seven-foot mark. It seemed they had hit one of the famous flood tunnels that had stopped treasure hunters for hundreds of years. But this didn’t discourage them. In fact, the metals found in the water and other clues only strengthened their belief that they were on the right track.

Rick Lagina and his team felt more certain than ever that they were close to a big discovery. They followed in the footsteps of past explorers who had tried and failed. Rick encouraged his crew, reminding them that this was just another obstacle, not the end. They decided to drain the water and keep going.

But this wasn’t the worst part. As Rick, Marty, Craig, and the others stared into the dark depths of the Garden Shaft, they felt a deep connection with all the explorers who had come before them, those who had never managed to uncover the island’s secrets. Yet, with today’s modern technology, deeper historical knowledge, and strong determination, they felt they had a better chance than anyone who had come before.

As they went down into the newly opened part of the tunnel, Rick found large wooden beams with strange shapes. These beams confirmed that the tunnel was real and historically important. The beams came in different shapes—from round to narrow—and seemed to have been used for many purposes, likely as supports for the tunnel itself. Excited from yesterday’s find, the team was eager to dig deeper as the sun rose.

Dark Echoes of the Past
This discovery was a big moment. It pushed their search forward, offering solid proof that countered the doubts about the tunnel’s existence. The unique way the beams were crafted suggested they might be from the sixteen hundreds, backed by earlier carbon tests. The team decided to take some beams for a closer look, hoping this would help them figure out when the tunnel was built and maybe even lead them to the treasures said to be hidden on the island.

But there was still more to learn from these beams. This stage of exploration was crucial to find out if these beams were really part of the original structure. If they were, it could bring them closer to discovering the famous hidden treasures under Oak Island. Gary, a skilled digger, arrived on-site with his trusty metal detector and a determined mindset. He was set on finding any objects that could shed light on the history and culture of the area.

Before long, his hard work paid off when he found a metal object. This wasn’t just a random piece of junk; its unique shape hinted that it was from an earlier time, possibly holding key historical clues. As they kept digging, the team focused on being precise. They carefully placed markers throughout the tunnel to help create exact maps of the underground area. This careful planning was important, not just for mapping the tunnel but also for planning future digs and ensuring safety during their work.

One big find that day was a piece of timber shaped with an adze, an old tool used before modern equipment became common, which was still in use up until the eighteenth century. Holding this piece of wood gave the team a direct link to the original builders of the tunnel, who might have been protecting something valuable.

But that wasn’t the most surprising part. Holding such an old piece of history gave the team a strong connection to the past, making them feel closer to the people who built the tunnel and their way of life. This ongoing journey through the tunnel was more than just a search; it was like opening a book to a story of hidden connections, uncovering ancient constructions, and doing careful, patient work to bring centuries-old history into the present.

As the sun began to set, the excavation team felt a renewed sense of energy and grew more connected to the hidden parts of the tunnel. They chose to use a method called horizontal drilling to explore further, hoping to find the source of the valuable metals their tools had detected. The progress they made that day filled them with hope and excitement about what they might find next.

Rick and his team left the site that evening with a new enthusiasm and a deeper appreciation for the historical value of their discoveries. Every wooden beam and artifact they uncovered added to their knowledge, bringing them closer not just to potential riches, but also to uncovering a story that had been hidden for centuries.

But this was only one part of the island rich with secrets. On the opposite end, near the southern edge of the swamp—an area known for its significant finds—Rick Lagina, Gary Drayton, and Billy Gerhardt continued their search for clues. They were particularly interested in finding pieces similar to ship parts uncovered in earlier digs, which dated from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries.

Their most surprising discovery so far happened in two thousand and twenty when they unearthed a ship’s railing that dated back to the eighth century. This suggested that the swamp might hold stories much older and more significant than anyone had expected. Dr. Doug Symons even proposed that these finds could be linked to ancient Viking explorers, pushing the team to investigate further to see if there was a historical connection.

The team joked about finding treasure, ready to uncover more hidden stories.

Exposing the Swamp’s Hidden Past
As they dug, Gary joked that he could “smell treasure in the air,” capturing the team’s positive spirit. During the excavation, Rick noticed a piece of wood with a hole in it that looked like a part from a ship—a piece designed to protect a ship’s bottom when near the shore. Billy suggested it might be a keel runner, which could have broken off if the ship had hit rocks. This idea made the team think even more about the hidden past of the swamp.

But then they stumbled upon something even more intriguing: a wooden structure that looked like a barrier or a dam. This find reminded them of a discovery made over thirty years ago by Fred Nolan, a former treasure hunter on Oak Island. Nolan had believed this wooden construction was part of a dam built long ago to hide something valuable. Could this new find be connected to the old ship’s handrail they had uncovered earlier?

It seemed likely, suggesting that these clues were part of a bigger story hidden within the swamp. Excited by the chance of discovering something significant, Rick brought in geoscientist Dr. Ian Spooner to examine the soil around the wooden structure. Dr. Spooner wanted to determine the age of the wood and whether it might be connected to an old stone path nearby, which was thought to be around five hundred years old. This path could have been a piece of a larger network used for moving goods, pointing to important activities that took place here long ago.

But just as they were beginning to understand the swamp’s secrets, new surprises started to unfold beneath the surface.

In the northern part of the swamp, Marty Lagina, along with Dr. Ian Spooner and their team, began to investigate an area that had caught their eye. Always curious and ready for the next adventure, Marty wondered aloud what they might find there. Standing near a large rock, the team discussed whether it could be connected to Nolan’s Cross, a well-known arrangement of stones on the island. Researcher John Edwards had suggested

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