
Savannah Chrisley full 2024 RNC speech addresses prosecution of parents Todd and Julie Chrisley

Savannah Chrisley full 2024 RNC speech addresses prosecution of parents Todd and Julie Chrisley

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000019 and
019 these may be just numbers to you but
to me they’re my whole heart these
numbers are my parents’ identification
numbers in our federal prison system my
name is Savannah Chrisley and you may
have seen my family on TV but for the
past decade we’ve been consumed with a
different kind of
drama my family was persecuted by rogue
prosecutors in Fulton County due to our
public profile I know Fulton County they
know how to do it don’t they due to our
public profile and conservative beliefs
they accused my parents of fraud
when really we were defrauded by a
dishonest business partner who let’s not
forget the government gave full immunity
to we suffered warrantless raids and
harassment one of the officials even had
my father’s face on a dart board in his
office my parents were sentenced to a
combined 19
years I
know and let me tell you I got
custody of my brother and sister 10 and
16 at the time and you don’t know
heartache until you look two children in
the eyes and say I don’t know when Mom
and Dad are coming home I’ll never
forget what the prosecutor said in the
most heavily Democrat county in the
state before an Obama-appointed judge he
called us the Trumps of the
South now hey it’s fun he meant it as an
insult but let me tell you boy do I wear
it as a badge of
honor we live in a nation founded on
freedom liberty and justice for all
justice it’s supposed to be blind but
today we have a two-faced justice system
just look at what they’re doing to
President Trump all while let’s face it
Hunter Biden is roaming around free and
attending classified
meetings and let’s face it look at what
they’re doing to countless Christians
and conservatives that the government
has labeled extremists or even worse
meanwhile the Democrats are releasing
actual violent offenders who have hurt
people a lawyer of mine Brett Tolman
who’s a former US
attorney he told me about a plaque that
hangs in the Department of Justice and
it reads the whole mark of fairness in
the administration of justice is
consistency the only thing consistent
about Democrat justice is how they
consistently punish their enemies that’s
not justice look at what they’ve done to
Steve Bannon I
mean the man should be at
home proverb
24:16 says for though the righteous fall
seven times they rise again but the
wicked stumble when calamity
strikes it’s about time we start seeing
stumble we need to rise above the
persecution we need to hold rogue
prosecutors accountable there should be
immunity we need to expose the Democrats’
corruption and better yet the Biden
family’s corrupt
corruption and guess what I know just the
man for that
job Donald J. Trump has only one
conviction that matters and that is his
conviction to make America great
again thank you and God bless America

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