The Curse of Oak ISland

The Curse of Oak Island: BIG TROUBLE in The Money Pit

The Curse of Oak Island: BIG TROUBLE in The Money Pit

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-SCOTT: Morning, Paul.
-COTE: Morning.
-RICK: Morning.

So you’ve got
the horizontal drills
-right by the shaft.

-Yeah, yeah.
I guess the next stop
is the shaft bottom?
Shaft bottom.
That’s where we’re going.
We’re getting ready
to lower the drill there.
And start probe drilling
right at the bottom.

-That’s good.

It is the beginning
of another hopeful day
on Oak Island
as Rick Lagina and Scott Barlow
arrive in the Money Pit area
to oversee
a new probe-drilling operation
at the base of the Garden Shaft
that could help
finally solve
a 229-year-old treasure mystery.

The priority, in my opinion,
-is to drill the tunnel.

Look at that, right there.

Those are big beams.

Three weeks ago,
after extending
the 18th-century Garden Shaft
down to an approximate depth
of 100 feet,
the team was elated
to reach a potentially
17th-century wooden tunnel.
A tunnel that a previous
core-drilling operation
has tracked westward
into the so-called Baby Blob,
where high traces of
gold and silver
have been detected
by water testing
between 80
and 120 feet belowground.

We cannot find any sign
of walls or a ceiling.

However, the team was stunned
to discover
that the section of tunnel
that they uncovered
beneath the Garden Shaft
had been partially dismantled
sometime in the past.

-Big day here.
This horizontal drill program
is gonna be, uh,
very important to us.

Now, having just finished
extending the Garden Shaft
down to a total depth
of 106 feet,
over the course
of the next few days,
from Dumas Contracting Limited
will conduct a probe-drilling
operation to look for sections
of the tunnel
that may still be intact
and hopefully
pinpoint the location
of the possible treasure.

Mystery number one.
No tops and no sides
of the tunnel.
Did somebody remove ’em? Why?
Did somebody do it
so the thing would collapse?

We’re searching
for a great treasure here.
I have said
many times a collapse
would be an excellent way
to hide something.
The sooner we get to drilling,
-the more information we get.
-That’s right.
If you encounter something
and you say,
“Hey, this is unusual,”
-Please let
Scott or myself or someone know.
-Yeah, yeah, of course, yeah.
And maybe we have
to readjust the plan.

-RICK: It’s been a long
and difficult road
to try to chase this tunnel.
It’s just an intensive process.
The hope is that we’re nearing
the end of it.
The Garden Shaft has
been extended to the point
where that work is
over and done with.
And now we begin
the process of drilling.
We all have great hope for that.
When you drill
into the tunnel itself,
we would like to get samples
every ten feet of the tunnel.
-Accurate records, right?
-We want to know distances,
Because that,
those samples will go out
-to the lab for carbon dating.
So I look forward to that.
I’ve got this tingling
in my toes.
Or in my hands, whatever, uh…

-Make sure we check his pockets
at the end of the day.
SCOTT: I’ll turn him
upside-down and shake him.

we’ll let you get to it.
-COTE: Yeah, okay.
-Thank you.
-See ya, Paul.

We ready to rock?

This is exciting.

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

-(high-pitched squealing)

-SCOTT: That’s a lot of water.
-ROGER: For sure.
Okay, bring ’em up.
Okay, Ronnie, come on up.

-RICK: Hi, Roger.
-ROGER: Hey, Rick.

So is everyone out of the shaft?

-Yes. Nobody hurt.
-That’s great.

It is a critical moment
in the Money Pit area
for the Oak Island team.

Water started coming in
faster and faster,
come right out of the holes, and
it was coming out of the holes,
like, just pouring out of there.
It’s unbelievable.

-Is the water still coming up?
-ROGER: Oh, yeah, absolutely.
Where he says
the water was coming in
was around the 97-foot mark.
That’s where we dug
for that tunnel.

Let me just give
my brother a call.
(line ringing)

This is not the Bravo Tango
call you expected.
Okay, so I’m up
at the shaft right now,
and I’ve got Roger here
and Scott.
I’m gonna turn you over
to Roger.
So, Roger, here you go.

Hey, Marty, how’s it going?
All right.
So, the guys drilled
a couple of holes,
and they seen the water and silt
starting to come out
through the lining
around the 97-foot mark,
which was pretty well
where our tunnel was
if you remember, right?
Then the water started
gushing out of the hole,
and it started coming in
at a very quick pace.
The two sets had been
completely covered,
the drill was
completely covered.
That’s how quick
the water came in.
It’s a lot easier
for us to drill that way
and get as much penetration
with the drill.

…no walls or no roof in there.
Oh. Sorry.
I just drank a little bit
of the water,
and it’s a little bit salty.

Could Rick Lagina be correct
that while drilling
into a tunnel,
which leads to an area
where the team has detected
high traces
of precious metals
deep underground,
they may have breached one
of the legendary flood tunnels
that have thwarted
treasure hunters
for more than two centuries?



There’s no way to overstate
the potential problems
that this presents.
It could terminate the work
in the Garden Shaft.
Everything seems
to be coalescing here.
We’re probe drilling.
We’ve got metals in the water.
So it does seem like
we’re coming together here,
on one hand.
On the other hand,
we can’t get to it.
And I mean, what we’re
experiencing now is so like
what people experienced
220 years ago
that it’s downright chilling.
Always something, yes.
All right. Thanks, Marty.
-All right. See ya. Bye.
-Yup. Bye.

It’s a bump in the road,
but we’ll get some answers.
-We’ll pump her out.
-We’ll see how big the bump is.
-But we have the right people,
the right attitude.
We’ll figure it out.
-We’ll get to the bottom of it.

Okay, well,
just got to keep moving.

-ROGER: For sure.
-RICK: Thank you, Roger.
-Thanks for the update.
-Absolutely, Rick.

Over the past two centuries,
numerous searchers believed
that they were on the verge
of recovering a fabled treasure
in the Money Pit,
when disaster suddenly struck
and shattered their dreams
of solving
the Oak Island mystery.

Rick, Marty, Craig
and their team must now confront
that daunting prospect.
However, the historic clues
that they have uncovered
and the physical evidence
that they have unearthed
prove more than ever that
their dream is still worth…
the pursuit.

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