The Curse of Oak ISland

The Curse of Oak Island: Team discovers clues that a Viking ship may be the ship buried in the swamp

The Curse of Oak Island: Team discovers clues that a Viking ship may be the ship buried in the swamp

Alex Lagina listens to expert advice on Oak Island

Alex Lagina is starting to believe Templar Knights and Vikings could have worked together to create the Money Pit on Oak Island. Pic credit: History

The Curse of Oak Island team has found evidence that the ship thought to be buried in the swamp is a Viking ship and that the Vikings helped the Templar Knights bring treasure to the island.

Time is running out for this season of Oak Island, and there’s already an end-of-semester feel about the last couple of episodes. However, Rick Lagina and the guys have gathered some great data on their field trip to Europe.

The guys have been attempting to retrace the path Templar Knights may have taken through Europe on their way to Oak Island. They have visited Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, and finally, Iceland.

Last night, the team visited a Viking Ship museum in Iceland and had the opportunity to stand on a recreated Viking ship. The ship’s builder informed the guys that this type of vessel was first built in the 11th century but would still be used in the 13th century, which is the time period the Templars would have built the Money Pit.

Interestingly, this ship was a cargo vessel and could have transported up to about 20 tons. Corjan Mol asked the million-dollar question, to which the shipbuilder assured him that this vessel could have sailed to Canada.

He also pointed out that the Vikings had been using sail ships to travel longer and longer distances since the 8th century.

Oak Island swamp artifact matched the Viking ship

Doug Crowell then noticed a piece of wood attached to the ship’s side near the bow. This plank looked almost exactly like the so-called ship’s railing the guys found in the swamp in 2020. At the time, that piece was carbon-dated to the 8th century.

The guys have long suspected a ship lies buried in the swamp. They have often speculated that it could be a Spanish galleon, but perhaps Doug has now spotted evidence that it is a Viking ship.

The team also examined an old Norse manuscript from the medieval ages that featured symbols found in Nova Scotia and Templar strongholds across Europe, such as the four dotted cross. These symbols also matched those found on an artifact discovered last year on Lot 8, which an expert had previously suggested could be Viking in origin.

Two Viking symbols compared from Oak Island artifacts

The same symbol appeared in an Icelandic medieval manuscript as one from an artifact found on Oak Island. Pic credit: History

This all adds to the mounting evidence that Vikings visited Oak Island.

Finally, in Iceland, the guys were shown a human-made cave from the 9th century that featured a cross carved into the wall. This cross was the exact configuration of the lead cross found by Gary Drayton, which dates to between 1200 and 1600 and is thought to be of Templar origin.

An Icelandic cross pictured above the lead cross from Oak Island

The cross from the Icelandic cave matched the lead cross from Oak Island. Pic credit: History

The Oak Island team slowly and surely believes that Templars and Vikings were both on Oak Island in the 12th century and were likely burying treasure there.

Oak Island team suspects whoever built Lot 5 structure also created the Money Pit
Meanwhile, back on Oak Island, Archeometallurgist Emma Culligan examined clay samples taken from the Money Pit area and the two sites on Lot 5. Emma found that samples from Lot 5 matched those taken from deep within the Money Pit.

The Lot 5 structure was filled in and covered up before the Money Pit was first discovered in 1795. This means whoever was at Lot 5 was most likely deeply involved in constructing the Money Pit.

Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, and only one episode remains for Season 11. However, fans expect the team to keep pushing right up until the very end.

The Curse of Oak Island airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on History.

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