The Curse of Oak ISland

What They Just Found On Oak Island Made The Whole Team Sh*t Their Pants!

What They Just Found On Oak Island Made The Whole Team Sh*t Their Pants!

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The Lagina brothers and their team demonstrate
resilience as they persistently pursue their
goal. Their efforts have finally led to a remarkable
discovery that might unlock Oak Island’s hidden treasure.
Could this be the breakthrough they’ve been
hoping for? Speculation abounds as excitement grows over
the possibility of finding gold. The world eagerly awaits the unveiling of
this latest revelation. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the intriguing
story of the Curse of Oak Island, uncovering
mysteries step by step!

The most recent episode of “The Curse of Oak
Island” follows Rick and Marty Lagina, along
with their team, as they continue their search
for treasures that have been concealed on Oak Island.
During this portion of the series, they investigate
a man-made feature located in a swamp
on the island. They suspect that this feature could be a
section of the walls that are located to the
south and east of a possible structure. During their investigation, the crew comes
across relics that date back to the 15th century,
including dowels, a wooden structure, barrel
staves, and a staircase made of cobblestone.

According to these results, it is possible
that valuable objects were delivered to Oak Island a very long time ago, and it is also
possible that they are still concealed in
the Money Pit or the swamp. Meanwhile, the crew is also conducting an
investigation into Lot 5, where they discover
a hand-forged iron nail embedded in a stone
foundation that is rectangular in shape. After doing a study on the nail, metallurgist
Emma Colligan discovered that the iron included an excessive amount of sulfur, which caused
the nail to become brittle or difficult to
deal with when it was heated. There is a possibility that this discovery
belongs to the 12th century.

A researcher by the name of John Edwards is
of the opinion that Oak Island could be the location where a religious artifact of great
significance, notably the Ark of the Covenant,
is buried. He claims that early Masonic manuscripts reveal
that Rosicrucians and Freemasons conspired
to hide priceless religious treasures on Oak
Island between the 12th and 18th centuries. He believes that this conspiracy occurred
between the years 12th and 18th. In addition, the crew studies the Megalithic
Boulders of Nolan’s Cross on Oak Island.
These boulders may have a connection to the
Tree of Life concept, which is a symbol that is treasured by the Freemasons, Rosicrucians,
and Knights Templar.

On Lot Five, they also find a big button that
appears to be gold-plated. This button could have belonged to a high-ranking
military officer who was guarding something
of tremendous value on Oak Island. A digging tool and a large spike were discovered
in the wooden building located at
the southeastern border of the Oak Island
Swamp. The crew is continuing their hunt for clues
and potential valuables, including the discovery
of the digging tool. Through the examination of these discoveries,
they are hoping to gain further comprehension
of the inexplicable occurrences that have
been taking place on the island.

Oak Island is the location of Rick and Marty
Lagina, along with their team, as they investigate
a man-made feature located in a swamp. They are of the opinion that this might be
a component of the walls that are located
to the south and east of a possible construction. A wooden structure and indications of dowels
have been discovered by the crew. This structure has the potential to be a loading
and unloading platform. In addition to this, they found pieces of
a cobblestone pathway and barrel staves that
they believe date back to the 15th century. As a result of these discoveries, it appears
that valuable objects may have been delivered
to Oak Island a very long time ago. These items may be concealed in the Money
Pit or still in the swamp, as Fred Nolan had
previously claimed. It is the hope of the team that they will
be able to discover additional knowledge regarding
the genesis and creators of these structures.

Marty Lagina, who is in charge of the Oak
Island crew, leads a discussion about the
new findings that were uncovered in the Money
Pit area. A mystery wooden tunnel that was carbon-dated
to the 17th century was discovered by Dumis
Contracting Limited after they completed the
extension of the Garden Shaft, a construction that dates back to the 18th century and extends
the structure down to a depth of 100 feet.
When they finally arrived at the tunnel, however,
they discovered that it had either been destroyed
or had been demolished. In order to hunt for any evidence of the probable
treasure and to drill horizontally to discover what is in the region, the team
intends to further expand the garden shaft
to a total depth of 106 feet.

In the meantime, archaeologists discovered
a hand-forged iron nail in a rectangular stone
foundation that was situated close to Lot
5. Although the foundation was purposefully backfilled
or buried in the 1780s, it is possible that
it was initially created much earlier. An examination of the nail was carried out
by metallurgist Emma Colligan using a Skyscan
1273 CT scanner and an x-ray fluorescence
spectrometer. The results of the examination revealed that
the nail included an excessive amount of sulfur in the iron, which caused it to become brittle
or difficult to deal with when it was heated.

Emma Colligan, an archaeometallurgist, has given
a report that is somewhat stunning on a hand
iron artifact that was discovered in Lot 5. This artifact may have been dated back to
the 12th century. Due to the fact that the item does not serve
as either a file or a fastener, the crew feels
perplexed upon making the find. The fifth lot has already produced a number
of fascinating artifacts, such as three Roman
coins and a Le barter token from the fourteenth
century. A geoscientist by the name of Dr. Ian Spooner
examines enormous planks that were discovered
close to the southern edge of the swamp. These planks have the potential to be a part
of an ancient structure that is connected
to the Money Pit location. Additionally, prior to carrying out any additional
excavations, the crew intends to document
the structure.

A researcher by the name of John Edwards is
invited to the war room to discuss
the latest facts concerning the enigma of
Oak Island. Edwards, who has spent decades immersed in
the study of symbols and images, with a particular
focus on the Knights Templar, is of the opinion
that early Masonic documents disclose that
Rosicrucians and Freemasons plotted to conceal
priceless religious treasures on Oak Island
between the 12th and 18th centuries. He cites the Royal Ardens, a Masonic ode,
as evidence since it contains references to
a “sacred Mark,” a “holy Ark,” and a “vault.” He emphasizes that these references are all

In addition, Edwards asserts that he has successfully
acquired two ancient manuscripts that include
codes and maps, which he feels may be of some
use in the quest for Oak Island. There is a book that was produced in 1812
that, according to Edwards, has Masonic symbols
and abbreviations that are believed to be
references to the Ark of the Covenant. The map that is drawn in the book appears
to be of Oak Island, which leads Edwards to
conclude that the message being communicated
in code is that the Ark of the Covenant is
concealed on the island.

As a Norwegian Freemason and filmmaker, Nolan
Cross offers his opinion that the six Megalithic
Boulders of Nolan’s Cross on Oak Island are
connected to the Tree of Life concept.
The Tree of Life is a symbol that is venerated
by the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and
Freemasons. Along with Rick, Marty, and Alex, he takes them
to Lot 28, where he claims one of the Sephron,
which is a set of divine moral and spiritual
principles, is buried. This principle is known as Kingdom.

Nolan describes the discovery he made of sculptures
of the Tree of Life and a sacred cross in a prison in Dome, France, that dates back
to the 14th century. The jail was originally used to house Templars
after they were persecuted. He makes the suggestion that doing an investigation
into Nolan’s Cross and the Sephron might result
in the discovery of a holy relic that is of
paramount importance.

During the time when John Edwards, a psychic,
is getting ready to start his field research
on the island, archaeologists Jamie Kuba and
Fiona Steel find a big button on Lot Five
that may be gold-plated. This button may have belonged to a high-ranking
military officer who was guarding something
of great value on Oak Island. In the vicinity of the coast, an archaeologist
named Jamie Kuba comes across a piece of silverware
that has exquisite designs and has the potential
to be of great value. The crew is thrilled about the discovery since
it has the potential to shed light on the
builders of the enigmatic foundation that
was discovered earlier in the year as well
as the reason for its existence.

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