The Curse of Oak ISland

You Might Wanna See This Before Season 12…

You Might Wanna See This Before Season 12...

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As the Lagina brothers and their team continue
their quest on Oak Island, it seems that they
are finally on the site of the hidden treasure.
Could this finally be the answer to all unanswered
questions? Let’s hope it is the secret spot.
Keep watching because we are about to find
out what the Lagina brothers finally found
on the most intriguing island in Canada!

Rick and Marty Lagina concentrate their attention
on the Money Pit region in order to find out more
about their treasure hunt. In order to reach a
mysterious tunnel that is located at a depth of
95 feet, Dumas Contracting Limited extends the
garden shaft to a height of 90 feet and uses
a coring drill. There are large metal traces
underground, which suggests that this tunnel,
which is thought to go to the Baby Blob, has
promising potential. In the tunnel, Marty Lagina
is expressing his excitement over the possibility
of discovering a wooden structure underneath the
tunnel. This is a hint at a breakthrough in the
process of uncovering Oak Island’s mysteries.

In spite of the difficulties that they encountered
initially, the group intends to extend the garden
shaft so that it intersects the tunnel and
reveals its secrets. By highlighting the
team’s commitment to outlining the tunnel, Rick
Lagina expresses his excitement at the prospect
of discovering the tunnel’s historical value.
Laird Niven expresses his excitement along with
his recognition of the fact that their
objectives are about to be accomplished. The
operation is resumed, and gratitude is expressed
to the recipient. The garden shaft
is going to be deepened, which is the new focus.

By utilizing the garden shaft, the group is able
to discover a means by which they may access the
tunnel. While Terry Matheson and Charles Barkhouse
were keeping an eye on borehole H8, which was at
the center of the team’s ongoing theories over the
chapel vault. There is a lot of enthusiasm for the
treasure search because the borehole has produced
parchment, leather bookbinding, and an object
that is marked with the number 6. The process is
propelled forward by Marty Lagina’s zeal, with the
expectation of discovering other mysteries. It was
previously believed that the treasure box was made
of wood, but it turns out that it is actually a
piece of wood. The extension of H8 shows a massive
object that is 170 feet in height, which heightens
suspense regarding its nature. On Oak Island,
the group faces obstacles as they search for
the treasure that they have been searching for.

Despite the initial exhilaration, the quest to
approach the possible treasure chest is met with
hurdles. This is because the H8 case accidentally
releases earthen spoils, which pushes the chest
even further into the depths of Oak Island.
In the course of revisiting an earlier excavation,
Terry Matheson makes the hypothesis that the
vault may have been broken into during a prior
excavation. The results of recent water tests
and scans provide additional indication that
the region may contain potential riches. With
the help of this crew, they want to locate the
vault so that they can conduct a more in-depth
excavation. The movement of materials from the
H8 case is something that Rick Lagina takes into
consideration, and it suggests that the chapel
vault might be located nearby. The crew refuses
to give up on their investigation and remains
steadfast in their determination to solve the mystery.

The Money Pit region, which is located in the southeast
portion of the wetland, is the site of ongoing excavations.
With full faith in the enduring character of great discoveries,
Gary Drayton rejoices in their accomplishments.
The group, which is made up of Gary Drayton,
Jack Begley, and Billy Gerhart, begins an
extensive excavation in the bog that is located
close to the ancient stone path. The significance
of the stone road is emphasized by Jack Begley,
who suggests that it was a place of employment in
the past. Because they are looking for significant
relics, the crew is concentrating on the deepest
area of the marsh. They are keeping a sharp
lookout for hints in the hopes of ultimately
solving the riddles surrounding Oak Island.

During the time that the crew is concentrating on
a key find, the stone road in Oak Island’s swamp,
Gary Drayton gladly takes advantage of the
opportunity. It is possible that it is a ship’s wharf.
In addition to being associated with the Knights Templar,
the road, which is similar to one that can be seen in Portugal,
provides hints about the dumping of freight on Oak Island.
Alex Lagina, who is in charge of the crew, is awestruck by the
historical significance of the ancient edifice.
While Gary Drayton is beginning the dig, the team
is looking for clues regarding the origin of the
stone road as well as prospective items that could
be valuable. Gary Drayton, who is not deterred
by the smell of the swamp, starts making jokes
about the smell of treasure. Within the context
of the treasure myth, Rick Lagina highlights the
significance of the bog’s corner. In spite of the
difficulties presented by the swamp, the group
continues their exploration of the area with a
dogged resolve, realizing the swamp’s historical

Gary Drayton, in his animated style,
communicates joy over a finding, highlighting
the determination to unearth potential treasure
along the way. Billy Gerhard draws attention
to a peculiar boulder that is located next
to the stone road, indicating that it was placed
there on purpose. The group is looking forward to
discovering the prize. It is really exciting for
Gary Drayton to discover the wealth. Taking into
consideration the boulder’s odd placement and
the probability that it was placed on purpose,
the team, which is led by Rick Lagina, speculates
about the importance of the boulder. It is seen by
Billy Gerhard that there is a series of rocks
that resemble stone stairs that lead up to
the boulder. Given the boulder’s proximity
to both the stone road and the money pit,
Jack Begley makes certain assumptions
about the activities that take place
around it, and Billy underlines the boundless
opportunities that are available in the area.

Rick Lagina insists that the team keep digging
because he is fascinated by the line of stones and
the enormous boulder that they have discovered.
Taking into consideration the boulder’s odd
positioning, the team, which is led by Rick
Lagina, contemplates the importance of the rock.
It is really exciting for Gary Drayton to discover
the wealth. Given the area’s proximity to both the
stone road and the money pit, the group, which is
led by Rick Lagina, is considering the boundless
prospects that are available in the region.

The idea of purposeful placement is proposed
by Rick Lagina. He underlines the importance
of conducting a more in-depth investigation,
stating that it is a useful instrument for
conducting additional research. The ever-observant
Gary Drayton raises concerns about the depth of
the discovery, underlining the significance of
the discovery at two feet. It is of notice to him
that the board has a distinct thickness and form.
In addition to highlighting the importance
of doing a more in-depth investigation, he suggests
that it could be ship decking because of the quality
of the material.

In spite of the fact that
the board is quite large, Rick Lagina draws attention
to the fact that there was no metal detection during
the finding. A confirmation of the absence
of fasteners is provided by Gary Drayton,
who also emphasizes the significant depth of the
board. During the course of the conversation,
the possible connection to ship planking is
investigated, and previous findings in the
region are brought up. Rick Lagina considers the
discovery to be a chance for additional knowledge
and suggests doing a more in-depth investigation.

When Marty Lagina thinks about the mystery that
has been going on in the swamp, he expresses how
the team has been consistently finding meaningful
objects that do not have any obvious function.
It is his hope that answers will be found,
and he emphasizes the compelling element of the
mystery surrounding the marsh. By speculating
on the possibility of metals surviving
in the marsh, Gary Drayton piques the
intrigue of potential future discoveries.

In order to proceed with the exploration,
Rick Lagina gives the team instructions. During
the afternoon, Jack Begley saw that there were
substantial issues with the discovery of metal in
the Money Pit region, which is located on lot 5.
At this moment, the group is working to locate
the metal that has gone missing. In the time
since his previous visit, the team as well as
the research team had made progress.
An archeology team is digging a mystery stone
foundation that was discovered earlier in the
year beneath a circular depression. He joins the
crew doing the excavation. A question concerning
the continuing work is excitedly asked by
Jack. A stone feature that contradicts early
beliefs is discussed by archaeologist Jamie
Cuba, who offers his thoughts and reveals the

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